Thank you Kenny for initiating this conversation and for outlining many of 

the choices.  I agree that we should have on a common approach to 

addressing vacancies in the TSC. 

I've listed some options below.  I suggest that we 1) agree if these are 

the right options, and 2) conduct a vote to determine which option the TSC 

favors.  Once that decision is made, the updates to the charter language 

can be drafted and approved by the TSC.

Operator-reserved seats

1.  Vacated seat remains vacant until next election

2.  Vacated member's company can assign a replacement 

        note: need to agree on who in the company can make that decision

3. New election for vacated seat initiated within 30 days of seat being 


        note: this would apply if multiple candidates might run from that 

operator, since only members from that operator would be eligible for the 

vacated seat

        Variation A:  If vacancy occurs within 90 days of end of the 

member's term, seat will remain vacant until next election

Non-reserved seats

1.  Vacated seat remains vacant until next election

2. New election for vacated seat initiated within 30 days of seat being 


        Variation A:  If vacancy occurs within 90 days of end of the 

member's term, seat will remain vacant until next election

        Variation B: If vacancy occurs within 60 days after a full TSC 

election, the runner-up shall be assigned the seat

My commentary:  For operator-reserved seats, I'm open to either assigning 

a replacement (option 2, if we can agree on who would do that - vacating 

member? LFN Board member?) or holding an election (option 3 with variation 

A) if we really think multiple people from one operator would run.  For 

non-reserved seats, I'm in favor of Option 2 with variation A.  As Kenny 

stated, assigning the runner-up is unfair in a system that limits seats to 

one-per-company (since a qualified candidate maybe didn't run in lieu of 

someone else from that company already running).

Please respond if you think there are options not covered here.


Jason Hunt 

Distinguished Engineer, IBM 

Phone: 314-749-7422


Twitter: @DJHunt


From:   "Alexis de Talhouet" <>


Date:   09/23/2018 03:49 PM

Subject:        Re: [onap-tsc] TSC Seat Vanacy

Sent by:

What happened in such scenario within the OpenDaylight community was to 

have the next runner appointed as the new TSC member, given previous 

election was very recent.

Anyhow, I echo Frank’s point that it’s important current TSC come up with 

a way to handle such case, and that the TSC amends the charter.



On Sep 23, 2018, at 1:24 PM, Alla Goldner <> wrote:


Sent from Nine

From: "Frank Brockners via Lists.Onap.Org" <>

Sent: Sunday, 23 September 2018 19:19


Subject: Re: [onap-tsc] TSC Seat Vanacy

Hi Kenny, 


Thanks for the summary. As a community member, I’d prefer if the TSC would 

quickly amend the current charter to cover the case of TSC members 

stepping down from their role. Any other approach would be a shot from the 

hip – and might be in conflict to the ultimate policy that the TSC would 

come up with. The amendment should cover the considerations that you list 

below, especially the fact that the TSC now consists of elected members 

and not representatives of parties, companies, etc. In that, a TSC differs 

from most of the parliaments, where members often represent parties, so 

that successors are automatically picked from a list.





From: <> On Behalf Of Kenny 


Sent: Sonntag, 23. September 2018 18:43


Subject: [onap-tsc] TSC Seat Vanacy


I wanted to follow up on the discussion regarding a special election due 

to Chris taking a new job.  One of the first questions asked was, "What 

does the Charter say?"  Neither the Charter or Community Document says 

anything about a vacancy. In the absence of any specific language, the 

default should be to honor what language there is.  Currently the 

Community Document says:           Size and Structure

The TSC shall consist of eighteen (18) seats 

Nine (9) seats on the TSC are to be reserved for Operators 

Only one (1) person from any company, or group of related companies (as 

defined in section may be a member at any given time.


As such, my guidance to the TSC is to immediately authorize a special 

election using the criteria currently defined in the Community Document, 

plain and simple. 


There were a several alternatives to a special election which have been 

suggested. While it is well within the TSC's right to pursue any of these 

alternatives, all must be thoroughly scrutinized through the lens of 

fairness, trust, and responsibility to the community.


Leaving the seat vacant until the next election cycle

It took 6 months to debate and vote on membership criteria, and another 

full month to run an election. Leaving the seat vacant until the next 

scheduled election implies that after all that work the TSC doesn't care 

about being fully functional.  This would be a huge hit to the community's 

trust of the TSC.


Delay any decision on an election until the TSC amends the Community 

Document to address how to handle a vacancy

This is marginally better than leaving the seat vacant, because who knows 

how long amending the Community Document might take. I would encourage the 

TSC to take up amending the Community Document to cover one or more of the 

operational and governance gaps that exist, however it is unfair to the 

ONAP community to hold the recently vacated seat hostage to those 



Have Chris appoint his replacement

When the TSC was comprised of only appointed individuals doing this would 

have been fine course of action. In fact, there were a couple instances 

back in March where this occurred. Now that we have moved from an 

appointed TSC to an elected TSC, such an appointment by a member is 

completely inappropriate.


Make the next runner up in the August election the new TSC member

While true the seat does not belong to Huawei, it would be exceeding 

unfair to them, especially as the 2nd largest contributor to the Project, 

to suddenly be out in the cold with absolutely no chance to even compete 

for a seat they once held.


I don't like creating work for myself and a TCS election is indeed a great 

deal of work. The thought of having to run a new election is mind-numbing 

but I welcome it gladly because it is absolutely the right thing to do. 


I recommend a one week nomination period, and a one week voting period. 

(The prior election was lengthened to two + two specifically to 

accommodate summer vacations).  I am at ONS-Europe this week and out the 

first week of October on family business. The earliest I can commit to 

kicking off the process (after revalidating qualified Active Community 

Members) would be Oct. 11th, putting the close of the election on Oct. 25.


Please let me know your thoughts.

Best Regards, 


Kenny Paul, Technical Program Manager, The Linux Foundation, 510.766.5945

San Francisco Bay Area, Pacific Time Zone



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