Hi Eric,

Would you mind if I append Verizon to row 6, 8-13 ?? We echoed similar
stuffs earlier during R3 timeframe as part of Verizon's Operational
requirements. I didn't specifically mention this again in R4 items.
Rather than adding another row, would like to vote on existing row.



Viswanath Kumar Skand Priya
Senior Architect
Technology, Architecture & Planning

On Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 12:52 AM Eric Debeau <eric.deb...@orange.com> wrote:

> Hi Service Provider TSC members
> Please fill the table to provide your requirements:
>  https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/SP+priorities+for+Dublin
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__wiki.onap.org_display_DW_SP-2Bpriorities-2Bfor-2BDublin&d=DwMFaQ&c=udBTRvFvXC5Dhqg7UHpJlPps3mZ3LRxpb6__0PomBTQ&r=9F3pNUkzjE-2v1eTClkRVakDRN8GH7Bm-wt1lWkxoUyyDORTqf5MxNO_GrMBs0gZ&m=3I7W0UhsCoRcLRTVyrVBbN1Nzkm3vtR86FJ2DuxvdKY&s=cyEUSU0Q25nIRgghQXHO9JslSAvGIpK__KL6rI73KIM&e=>
> Best Regards
> Eric

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