Hi Xu Ran,

On 30.03.2021 09:34, Xu Ran wrote:
> Hi Opasiak,
> I agree with your "train theory" and I think UUI team will accept the 
> result of TSC’s decision.
> Yesterday, I just wanted to make sure whether a commit without any 
> change of oom configuration can be merged since all the codes were just 
> minor functional changes.

So just for the record and to make sure that everyone is on the same 
page in a future:

before M3 projects can submit any number of patches to OOM that include:
- new charts or subcharts
- updates of containers that adds a new feature or improves the existing 
- updates of containers that contains bugfixes
- OOM bugfixes (those which are in helm charts)
- helm charts improvements
- any other oom rework

after M3 we expect to get:
- updates of containers that contains bugfixes
- OOM bugfixes (those which are in helm charts)
- helm charts improvements (but only really small)

> And I admit that we have misunderstood the 
> meaning of jira: https://jira.onap.org/browse/USECASEUI-545 
> <https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=381f64fd-67845dff-381eefb2-0cc47a312ab0-3a3f94d5fc14610c&q=1&e=ff9b2be1-4f16-40f2-908e-e707d1c1d2e3&u=https%3A%2F%2Fjira.onap.org%2Fbrowse%2FUSECASEUI-545>
>  because 
> we think codes only need to committed in M3 if the oom configuration has 
> been changed, but actually we didn’t have to do that. A 4 weeks’ delay 
> occurs because we have *never* considered M3 as a deadline. So we have 
> never “asked” you guys to do anything, if oom thinks it’s unacceptable 
> to merge the codes, we are definitely ok to delay it to Istanbul 
> release, I just want to make sure of it.

Just to be sure that we are on the same page. From the OOM perspective 
there is no technical issues with your patch. Gating was fine so there 
is nothing technical that prevents us from merging that patch only the 
administrative part.

Thank you for providing the feedback regarding the jira ticket! It's a 
really important feedback and I believe we'll need to work on that Jira 
ticket together with David to avoid such confusion in the future.

No matter what decision the TSC will make please make sure that your 
patch is very high on our priority list. Based on the TSC decision it 
will be merged as soon as possible either for Honolulu or to master (as 
soon as we branch out honolulu)

> As for your suggestion about 
> the vote in TSC, we totally agree with the process and will accept any 
> result of it. Thank you very much.

Thank you for your kind understanding. I believe that what's really 
crucial here is the feedback that you provided that the jira ticket 
wasn't clear enough for you and that's the main reason of this delay.

> BTW, China Railway High-speed is also very punctual, welcome to Beijing 
> and enjoy it.

Thank you for the invitation! I'd pleased to try it:) I've never been in 
Beijing so I'm really looking forward to visit it!

> B.R.
> ---------------------------------------------
> Xu Ran
> China Mobile Research Institute
> No.32 Xuanwumen west street,Xicheng District, Beijing 100053, China
> Mobile: +86 15010868144
> Email:  xuran...@chinamobile.com <mailto:xuran...@chinamobile.com>
> ---------------------------------------------
> On 03/30/2021 06:21,Krzysztof Opasiak via 
> lists.onap.org<k.opasiak=samsung....@lists.onap.org> 
> <mailto:k.opasiak=samsung....@lists.onap.org> wrote:
>     Hi Kenny,
>     On 29.03.2021 19:17, Kenny Paul wrote:
>         The most important thing we all need to remember is that
>         everyone is working very hard to ultimately achieve the same goal.
>         In an opensource world changes are most often influenced from
>         the bottom up rather than instituted from the top down.  How
>         long a process change takes is going to vary greatly based upon
>         a number of factors that may or may not be in the direct control
>         of the community members trying to implement the change.
>         Consider the fact that ONAP is one of relatively few truly
>         global open source projects.  We are not unique in that aspect,
>         but it creates far larger challenges than any regionally or
>         culturally centric OSS projects would ever need to consider
>         beyond just the simple time-zone issue we face.  Add in the fact
>         that ONAP developers are primarily company provided resources
>         rather than being  a group of purely volunteer individual
>         contributors and our challenges are even more difficult because
>         you have a vast array of company norms and policies  that may
>         also need to be navigated to implement a change.
>         Here in the US what is perfectly acceptable for a F2F business
>         meeting on the West Coast may be completely unacceptable when
>         that same meeting is held on the East Coast.  Years ago I made
>         that exact error at an internal company meeting I was attending.
>           I knew how company meetings operated out here and assumed that
>         it was that way everywhere else in the company.  I was very,
>         very wrong with that assumption and ended up embarrassing my
>         Director and VP as a result.   Needless to say this took a long
>         time to recover from career-wise.
>         Patience when working in a global community is a prerequisite
>         and our most valuable asset as communication styles, business
>         cultures and regional cultures around the world are very
>         different than our own.
>     I fully agree with all what you wrote above!
>     Ultimately we are all passengers who would like to get to our final
>     station, nevertheless not all of us needs to take the same train.
>     When the train is broken, no one can get anywhere so everyone needs to
>     wait and do their best to repair the train. As soon as the train is
>     operational it should be moving according to the schedule.
>     Every passenger is different and independent. Everyone may have a
>     different tempo, different additional duties, different size of
>     suitcase, different limitations but everyone has a freedom to choose
>     the
>     course from the timetable which suits him the most and plan his or her
>     journey accordingly. Nevertheless to take that train one needs to be on
>     the platform on time, if not then the train just moves forward but no
>     one is excluding that passenger from reaching his final destination. He
>     just needs to wait a little bit and take the next train.
>     Obviously TSC is the body that creates timetables for our trains so
>     it's
>     also up to TSC to decide how long the train can wait at any point.
>     In my
>     opinion it's not an easy role and a really tough decision as every
>     minute of waiting allow more late comers to take the train but in the
>     same time it also delays all the passengers that are inside the train
>     and makes their journey unpredictable. (Maybe next time we've 10 other
>     passengers arriving late, speculating that it doesn't make any sense to
>     be on time as the train will always wait for them?)
>     I've a very limited knowledge about the World so I'm not sure how it
>     looks in other countries but in Poland there is a lot of jokes about
>     our
>     trains that are often delayed and a lot of admiration for
>     ultra-punctual
>     Japanese railway transport.
>         Thanks!
>         -kenny
>         -----Original Message-----
>         From: onap-tsc@lists.onap.org <onap-tsc@lists.onap.org> On
>         Behalf Of Krzysztof Opasiak via lists.onap.org
>         Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 3:28 AM
>         To: Xu Ran <xuran...@chinamobile.com>; Catherine LEFEVRE
>         <catherine.lefe...@intl.att.com>; Dong Wang <wan...@chinatelecom.cn>
>         Cc: Alexander Mazuruk <a.mazu...@samsung.com>; DESBUREAUX
>         Sylvain TGI/OLN <sylvain.desbure...@orange.com>; onap-tsc
>         <onap-tsc@lists.onap.org>; morgan.richo...@orange.com;
>         marcin.przyb...@nokia.com; Kuzmicki,Krzysztof (Nokia -
>         PL/Wroclaw) <krzysztof.kuzmi...@nokia.com>; Closset,Christophe
>         <christophe.clos...@intl.att.com>; Bartek Grzybowski
>         <b.grzybow...@partner.samsung.com>; HARDY Thierry TGI/OLN
>         <thierry.ha...@orange.com>; michal.jagie...@t-mobile.pl;
>         Geissler, Andreas <andreas-geiss...@telekom.de>;
>         fu.guangr...@zte.com.cn; RAJEWSKI Lukasz O-PL
>         <lukasz.rajew...@orange.com>; Paweł Wieczorek
>         <p.wieczor...@samsung.com>; Lasse Kaihlavirta
>         <l.kaihlav...@partner.samsung.com>; FREEMAN, BRIAN D
>         <bf1...@att.com>; bin.y...@windriver.com; TIMONEY, DAN
>         <dt5...@att.com>; MAHER, RANDA <rx1...@att.com>; HAHN III, JIM
>         <jh7...@att.com>; Seshu m <seshu.kuma...@huawei.com>; Toine
>         Siebelink <toine.siebel...@est.tech>;
>         krishna.moort...@wipro.com; onap-disc...@lists.onap.org
>         Subject: Re: [onap-discuss] TR : [onap-tsc] [IMPORTANT] OOM
>         status update for RC0
>         Hi Xu Ran,
>         On 29.03.2021 03:40, Xu Ran wrote:
>             Dear Opasiak and Catherine,
>             I have noticed that the block thing of UUI’s merge into OOM is:
> https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=072c4f49-58b77645-072dc406-000babff3563-8875456a004bfcbf&q=1&e=3baf245c-daee-4505-94b6-9ca68385b9c9&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F118930
> <https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=1e966c5a-410d5543-1e97e715-000b
> abff3793-f7ea0549a854ee69&q=1&e=26b28653-b4cf-4482-aed3-4b5732aa0935&u
>             =https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F118930>
> https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=9a3d9b6c-c5a6a260-9a3c1023-000babff3563-cb4b23522f3aa0ba&q=1&e=3baf245c-daee-4505-94b6-9ca68385b9c9&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F119124
> <https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=43d07bfd-1c4b42e4-43d1f0b2-000b
> abff3793-1e123c16f51c1874&q=1&e=26b28653-b4cf-4482-aed3-4b5732aa0935&u
>             =https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F119124>
>             They’re all related to the new NLP server, however, since
>             there’re
>             some several problems appearing in these two commits, we
>             accept the
>             result to delay this new part to Istanbul release. We’ll
>             abandon these
>             two commits and make further changes. And the H release plan
>             of UUI
>             will *NOT* include this part.
>         No need to abandon. You can always squash the two and move ahead
>         with a new patchset on one of the reviews;)
>             As for the commit:
> https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=96b7da32-c92ce33e-96b6517d-000babff3563-099d43a953f2a8f8&q=1&e=3baf245c-daee-4505-94b6-9ca68385b9c9&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F119844
> <https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=430831be-1c9308a7-4309baf1-000b
> abff3793-15fb88f07d0c1278&q=1&e=26b28653-b4cf-4482-aed3-4b5732aa0935&u
>             =https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F119844>
>             This commit only contains the changes of E2E slicing service
>             which are
>             some minor ones.
>         Yes + there is an implementation of NLP server introduced by
>         commit 7643cc5b373b167000d676c48d741e830081f3ab but I expect
>         that as NLP is delayed to Istanbul then this is just disabled by
>         default?
>             We hope that OOM team can review this change and merge it.
>             If there’s
>             any problem with the E2E part, we’ll be free to change.
>             And also, Doctor @Dong Wang is the sponsor of the new NLP
>             part, he
>             is also available to response the problem of this part.
>             We will attend today’s PTL meeting to make some more
>             explanation, hope
>             we can reach an agreement.
>         Gating seems to be fine on those patches. My only concern, that
>         I expressed in the ticket is what is the rationale for not
>         providing this container update before the deadline which is M3?
>         Your REQ tickets say that you don't expect a need to update OOM
>         configuration for this release...
>             B.R.
>             ---------------------------------------------
>             Xu Ran
>             China Mobile Research Institute
>             No.32 Xuanwumen west street,Xicheng District, Beijing
>             100053, China
>             Mobile: +86 15010868144
>             Email:  xuran...@chinamobile.com
>             <mailto:xuran...@chinamobile.com>
>             ---------------------------------------------
>             On 03/27/2021 03:05,Krzysztof Opasiak via
>             lists.onap.org<k.opasiak=samsung....@lists.onap.org>
>             <mailto:k.opasiak=samsung....@lists.onap.org> wrote:
>             Dear Catherine,
>             On 26.03.2021 19:13, Lefevre, Catherine wrote:
>             Dear OOM Team,
>             David and I we are trying to understand what it is left from OOM
>             Backlog
>             that the project team(s) need to consider before the next PTL
>             call (3/29)
>             We understand from the TSC call (3/25) - SO, SDNC and UUI had an
>             action
>             but it was not clear that there were other projects.
>             Here is our understanding and the path to move forward.
>             After the following items are solved then we need to
>             stabilize the
>             release and no more accept any OOM code submission except
>             for *versioning, documentation and show stoppers blocking E2E
>             Testing.*
>             #1 UUI
>             Remaining code submitted to change version is
> "https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=e495d5ce-bb0eecc2-e4945e81-000babff3563-2cf4bff145a7360d&q=1&e=3baf245c-daee-4505-94b6-9ca68385b9c9&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F119844
> <https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=46b413cc-192f2ad6-46b59883-000babff24ad-7502168be2f1c9a9&q=1&e=bb5ddae6-e181-4352-8e25-2bcfcc413086&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F119844>"
>             I have reviewed it and did not notice anything wrong so I
>             believe it is
>             ready to merge
>             The UUI action was related to:
> https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=6c7a9097-33e1a99b-6c7b1bd8-000babff3563-d944f507cb2cf522&q=1&e=3baf245c-daee-4505-94b6-9ca68385b9c9&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F118930
> <https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=96cdd1a2-c956e8bb-96cc5aed-000babff3793-7441e05435231c2a&q=1&e=26b28653-b4cf-4482-aed3-4b5732aa0935&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F118930>
> https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=43c2b8ec-1c5981e0-43c333a3-000babff3563-6a7e94279266fcf1&q=1&e=3baf245c-daee-4505-94b6-9ca68385b9c9&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F119124
> <https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=ae05fae4-f19ec3fd-ae0471ab-000babff3793-f6bee883b61eacbc&q=1&e=26b28653-b4cf-4482-aed3-4b5732aa0935&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F119124>
>             Not the patch that you linked above. The one that you linked
>             has been
>             created *yesterday* 40 mins before the TSC meeting which is
>             4 weeks
>             after the deadline for starting OOM review with new
>             containers for
>             Honolulu release.
>             In my personal opinion it's very unfair for other project
>             teams to
>             accept such changes with a monthly delay. Think how much
>             extra features
>             could CPS or DCAE Team implement if they had extra month for the
>             development...
>             The following items - we will follow-up if these are required
>             for RC1
>             containers
>             It does not look like new code but more modifications of config
>             to build
>             UUI Container. To be confirmed by *XU*
> https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=9161b23f-cefa8b33-91603970-000babff3563-ad9dd6bdc6678796&q=1&e=3baf245c-daee-4505-94b6-9ca68385b9c9&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F118930
> <https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=f0e13dae-af7a04b7-f0e0b6e1-000babff3793-5eaad4d8761cd6f9&q=1&e=26b28653-b4cf-4482-aed3-4b5732aa0935&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F118930>
> <https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=a47f0bfc-fbe432e6-a47e80b3-000babff24ad-e702636d9b0b5453&q=1&e=bb5ddae6-e181-4352-8e25-2bcfcc413086&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F118930>
> https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=ac39aa44-f3a29348-ac38210b-000babff3563-d32ac309fcb6bd35&q=1&e=3baf245c-daee-4505-94b6-9ca68385b9c9&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F119124
> <https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=fdd4954a-a24fac53-fdd51e05-000babff3793-55475913da8ddb84&q=1&e=26b28653-b4cf-4482-aed3-4b5732aa0935&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F119124>
> <https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=07a5321d-583e0b07-07a4b952-000babff24ad-6ac11a2aeca53cf1&q=1&e=bb5ddae6-e181-4352-8e25-2bcfcc413086&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F119124>
>             This is a *brand new* microservice that they are willing to
>             add to ONAP
>             It's not a change in config, it's not any kind of bugfix,
>             it's a brand
>             new Helm chart under UUI project.
>             It was uploaded to gerrit a little bit after the deadline
>             but it was
>             first sent to me via email so we decided to give it a chance.
>             Unfortunately when we start reviewing it more deeply
>             multiple issues
>             has
>             been discovered but never fixed and I believe that we cannot
>             compromise
>             the quality because of the deadline.
>             #2 SO
>             We check the remaining open defects,
>             SO-3584 -
> https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=ef91d801-b00ae10d-ef90534e-000babff3563-dbb30cce3e57c76f&q=1&e=3baf245c-daee-4505-94b6-9ca68385b9c9&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F119522%2F11
> <https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=ac9aa5c5-f3019cdc-ac9b2e8a-000babff3793-2c33c31e7d2a30ef&q=1&e=26b28653-b4cf-4482-aed3-4b5732aa0935&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F119522%2F11>
> <https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=37e382ff-6878bbe5-37e209b0-000babff24ad-4af727887ea4b80c&q=1&e=bb5ddae6-e181-4352-8e25-2bcfcc413086&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F119522%2F11>
>             (can we merge the code)?
>             As stated in the review, the patch itself is fine (that's
>             why it has +2
>             from  me and Sylvain) but we are waiting for a successful
>             gating in
>             patch that you referred below as this is actually where SO
>             will start
>             making use of that. If we merge it just now it would be just
>             a blind
>             merge as without the patch above we don't know if it really
>             works.
>             SO-3590 -
> https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=de23ce56-81b8f75a-de224519-000babff3563-c3adfbdfb8083d8a&q=1&e=3baf245c-daee-4505-94b6-9ca68385b9c9&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F119309
> <https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=31cf5339-6e546a20-31ced876-000babff3793-a8eb7c361ddb5e27&q=1&e=26b28653-b4cf-4482-aed3-4b5732aa0935&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F119309>
> <https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=7c0eff7c-2395c666-7c0f7433-000babff24ad-9d6fd0d44e1a675a&q=1&e=bb5ddae6-e181-4352-8e25-2bcfcc413086&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F119309>
>             (waiting for review)
>             Waiting for gating...
>             *SESHU, *
>             SO-3473
> <https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=e1cd66c7-be565fdd-e1cced88-000babff24ad-9b6b971174a78770&q=1&e=bb5ddae6-e181-4352-8e25-2bcfcc413086&u=https%3A%2F%2Fjira.onap.org%2Fbrowse%2FSO-3473>
>             - suggestion is to descope the remaining item of SO factoring to
>             Istanbul - too many code submitted and not yet reviewed.
>             SO-3553
> <https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=d2d706b8-8d4c3fa2-d2d68df7-000babff24ad-710911c68ded527a&q=1&e=bb5ddae6-e181-4352-8e25-2bcfcc413086&u=https%3A%2F%2Fjira.onap.org%2Fbrowse%2FSO-3553>
>             -
> https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=e22aff60-bdb1c66c-e22b742f-000babff3563-3e2fbd49d47de009&q=1&e=3baf245c-daee-4505-94b6-9ca68385b9c9&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F118331
> <https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=c5a23f69-9a390670-c5a3b426-000babff3793-88b5f0c7eadcec63&q=1&e=26b28653-b4cf-4482-aed3-4b5732aa0935&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F118331>
> <https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=b5a00398-ea3b3a82-b5a188d7-000babff24ad-2c0d2ce12129518d&q=1&e=bb5ddae6-e181-4352-8e25-2bcfcc413086&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F118331>
>             - can we descope and shift it to Istanbul?
>             CCSDK/SDNC
> https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=498ee5be-1615dcb2-498f6ef1-000babff3563-39965504c8329ba5&q=1&e=3baf245c-daee-4505-94b6-9ca68385b9c9&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F118284
> <https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=e0647eb3-bfff47aa-e065f5fc-000babff3793-aa115ba8a23e365d&q=1&e=26b28653-b4cf-4482-aed3-4b5732aa0935&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F118284>
> <https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=b0398acd-efa2b3d7-b0380182-000babff24ad-4cd8bfca6accb446&q=1&e=bb5ddae6-e181-4352-8e25-2bcfcc413086&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F118284>
>             -- (version update + 1 big fix) Dan T to review the comments
>             from Morgan
>             I believe that Dan has already fixed the issue reported by
>             Morgan. We
>             are waiting for gating to confirm this.
> https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=1d74fd37-42efc43b-1d757678-000babff3563-cfeafcb01a195460&q=1&e=3baf245c-daee-4505-94b6-9ca68385b9c9&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F117808
> <https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=688fde52-3714e74b-688e551d-000babff3793-0ab6d8c12a2d43b6&q=1&e=26b28653-b4cf-4482-aed3-4b5732aa0935&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F117808>
> <https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=c5400328-9adb3a32-c5418867-000babff24ad-e8cac77324f766a1&q=1&e=bb5ddae6-e181-4352-8e25-2bcfcc413086&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F117808>
>             --  verified job ok, ready for review
>             I need to follow up with Alexander on this patch as I missed his
>             comment. Sorry for that.
>             CPS - OK For Honolulu
> https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=a1719526-feeaac2a-a1701e69-000babff3563-7ef4042c5df19f39&q=1&e=3baf245c-daee-4505-94b6-9ca68385b9c9&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F118995
> <https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=5bf5e645-046edf5c-5bf46d0a-000babff3793-127381b38cb02780&q=1&e=26b28653-b4cf-4482-aed3-4b5732aa0935&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F118995>
> <https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=1ce1defb-437ae7e1-1ce055b4-000babff24ad-f02eadf288773474&q=1&e=bb5ddae6-e181-4352-8e25-2bcfcc413086&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F118995>
>             ) verified job ok, ready for review
>             It's marked as WIP as Bruno is working to address comments from
>             previous
>             revision. Nevertheless changes would not require releasing a new
>             container image. They just need to switch to use
>             certInitializer for
>             their https termination on ingress.
>             Considering the progress that they made in this release,
>             their nice
>             cooperation with us almost from the beginning of the release
>             and amount
>             of comments that they addressed I believe that it's fair to
>             take this
>             patch even as a bugfix after RC0 as it would affect OOM only
>             OOF - OK For Honolulu
> https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=00bac562-5f21fc6e-00bb4e2d-000babff3563-b6b7256b219ca6d5&q=1&e=3baf245c-daee-4505-94b6-9ca68385b9c9&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F113414
> <https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=09e47a5f-567f4346-09e5f110-000babff3793-9a434a737a2ed37b&q=1&e=26b28653-b4cf-4482-aed3-4b5732aa0935&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F113414>
> <https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=26742d43-79ef1459-2675a60c-000babff24ad-c6374855ff7d5692&q=1&e=bb5ddae6-e181-4352-8e25-2bcfcc413086&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F113414>
>             verified job ok, ready for review
>             It's not ready, it doesn't work. I got some hint from
>             Krishna how to
>             fix
>             it so I'll give it a try this evening if it works we'll
>             merge if not we
>             just postpone it. It's not a functional change it's just
>             enabling
>             logging to STDOUT for OOF so I believe that it can be merge even
>             after RC0
>             Holmes - What's level of confidence that it will work? Can we
>             move this
>             to Istanbul.
> https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=e7bdd810-b826e11c-e7bc535f-000babff3563-055439d23eb94c92&q=1&e=3baf245c-daee-4505-94b6-9ca68385b9c9&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F117395
> <https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=b514f4cc-ea8fcdd5-b5157f83-000babff3793-2d475082764a36ff&q=1&e=26b28653-b4cf-4482-aed3-4b5732aa0935&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F117395>
> <https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=9235dd10-cdaee40a-9234565f-000babff24ad-c6d9314de228eb06&q=1&e=bb5ddae6-e181-4352-8e25-2bcfcc413086&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F117395>
>             Guangrong Fu made recently some fixes but due to bad certs
>             in DMAAP we
>             haven't had a chance to see it in the action. After we have
>             gating
>             results we'll be able to say anything more.
>             AAI - OK For Honolulu (required for Certification)
> https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=50c88421-0f53bd2d-50c90f6e-000babff3563-0930348159ccf720&q=1&e=3baf245c-daee-4505-94b6-9ca68385b9c9&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F118248
> <https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=e4592b0a-bbc21213-e458a045-000babff3793-aa7a3646d133fee6&q=1&e=26b28653-b4cf-4482-aed3-4b5732aa0935&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F118248>
> <https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=ef44ab91-b0df928b-ef4520de-000babff24ad-7bcfb89218b9c689&q=1&e=bb5ddae6-e181-4352-8e25-2bcfcc413086&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F118248>
>             - verified job ok, ready for review
>             Waiting for gating results...
>             Code-wise looks fine. If it passes in the gating I'll merge it.
>             Multicloud - submitted before RC0
> https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=316dd532-6ef6ec3e-316c5e7d-000babff3563-6f9bb0745ad2eae3&q=1&e=3baf245c-daee-4505-94b6-9ca68385b9c9&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F119125
> <https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=e5ff3623-ba640f3a-e5febd6c-000babff3793-af0f070c60c1f0ea&q=1&e=26b28653-b4cf-4482-aed3-4b5732aa0935&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F119125>
> <https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=ee9c325a-b1070b40-ee9db915-000babff24ad-e9894bd205478539&q=1&e=bb5ddae6-e181-4352-8e25-2bcfcc413086&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F119125>
>             - verified job ok, ready for review
>             Already reviewed;)
>             As I'm coauthor of this patch, Sylvain is the one to merge
>             it but he is
>             waiting for jenkins job review before doing that. Code-wise
>             looks fine
>             so as soon as we have results from jenkins I hope it can be
>             merged.
>             *OOM Team*- do we miss  anything else? THANK YOU
>             There is one more bugfix from the SDNC (CCSDK) team that has
>             been
>             submitted yesterday:
> https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=16006814-499b5118-1601e35b-000babff3563-160b30908841f04d&q=1&e=3baf245c-daee-4505-94b6-9ca68385b9c9&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F119847
> <https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=53d0af33-0c4b962a-53d1247c-000babff3793-ebcb86fc8c9b8cc1&q=1&e=26b28653-b4cf-4482-aed3-4b5732aa0935&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgerrit.onap.org%2Fr%2Fc%2Foom%2F%2B%2F119847>
>             I'm working with them to find the best solution but I'm sure
>             we'll sort
>             this out quickly especially that it's just a change in the
>             helm charts
>             that is easy to gate.
>             Best regards,
>             --
>             Krzysztof Opasiak
>             Samsung R&D Institute Poland
>             Samsung Electronics
>     -- 
>     Krzysztof Opasiak
>     Samsung R&D Institute Poland
>     Samsung Electronics

Krzysztof Opasiak
Samsung R&D Institute Poland
Samsung Electronics

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