Space: Apache OpenOffice Community 
Page: Social Integration 

Edited by Phillip Rhodes:
A place to discuss the proposal that Apache OpenOffice 4 should have (a) 
feature(s) related to integrating with "social" systems of various sorts.

h3. Overview

h3. Google Moderator "Idea" submissions

h3. Mailing List threads


h3. Scenarios / Use Cases

h5. A sample usage scenario (previously explored by IBM)

_We (IBM) did a proof-of-concept along these lines for a demo at a conference 
last January. Here is the general use case. It was an extension to Impress that 
would allow the user to send the current slide to the activity stream of an 
OpenSocial container. It converted the slide to a JPG, presented a dialog for 
the user to enter a comment and then used the OpenSocial REST API to send this 
to the server. The slide could then be viewed on the server via the containers 
web interface. Other users could comment on it. When the document re-loaded 
into Impress the container would be queried and the latest comments would be 
retrieved and integrated into Impress, into a side panel._

_So the net result was a user could post a slide with a question like "What do 
you think of this slide?", have it be shared with their friends, and then 
receive comments back from them. It demo'ed well and seems to have some merit._

_One idea would be to integrate such support and generalize it to Calc and 
Writer. Another idea might be to support other, non-OpenSocial social networks. 
The key seems to be the ability to convert a portion of a document into a 
snippet that is web-renderable (HTML or JPG) and track context. Oh, and a lot 
of OAuth._

h3. See Also

h3. External Links
* [OpenSocial|]
* [OAuth|]
* [AtomPub|]
* [Atom Protocol|]

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