Space: Apache OpenOffice Community 
Page: Brand Contest RFP 

Change Comment:
This is simply an outline set of heading to get things started. Please feel 
free to edit/add new (better) stuff :-)

Edited by Ian Lynch:
h2. Aim

The aim of the contest is to provide the Apache OpenOffice PMC with a range of 
options for rebranding the product for the 4.0 release.

h2. Scope

The scope of the competition is the full range of branding from the logo to 
titles and use on a range of publications. Participants in the competition can 
use existing branding as a starting point or start entirely afresh. 

h2. Eligibility

Anyone is free to participate. If there is sufficient interest from schools we 
will have a junior competition for those 16 years old and younger alongside the 
mainstream competition

h2. Prizes

The best entries will get publicity through the global Apache OpenOffice 
community and designers will be invited to join the AOO design team. This is an 
opportunity to show off your design skills in a global shop window. We will 
seek corporate sponsorship for physical prizes.

Page for the planning of the Contest RFP

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