On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 9:01 AM, Rob Weir <apa...@robweir.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 9:27 AM, RA Stehmann
> <anw...@rechtsanwalt-stehmann.de> wrote:
> > I think we shouldn't invent the wheel twice ;-).
> >
> > The OpenOffice.org community has an more or less good working
> > infrastructure of leads, contact persons, native lang communities,
> > teams, mailing lists, websites etc..
> >
> > IMO we should make an inventory, keep the usefull elements and drop the
> > dated. And let persons, who undertake the task of doing something and
> > who are elected by the OpenOffice.org community, doing their job forward.
> >
> That makes sense to me.  But I think this is less about "wearing
> crowns" and more about "doing".  We don't need to give someone the
> title of "X Lead".  But if someone steps up and starts doing X, and
> does it well, works well in the project, and ensure that decisions
> occur via consensus on the list, than that person will start taking on
> the attributes of the de facto "X Lead".

This is me thinking out loud on a time I am normally thinking in silent
(sleeping). But I also have been co/leading many projects within the
OpenOffice.org community including BizDev, Education, Certification, and
Spanish community as well as being LATAM Marcon and contribute to many other
projects like DBA, XML, and Extensions.

I have also participate and contribute to other FLOSS communities like KDE
and Mozilla with their own processes. I've seen places where these
leadership role helps the project advance and places where there actually
becomes a hurdle in advancing the community.

I have heard arguments saying that OOo leadership is clutter by
non-developer members for years now. Making some technical needs advance
very slow, and others like press releases and OOo events much faster.

That said, every region of OOo had their own structure, their mini-marketing
plans for ES or Education, and others a spare but interesting talks like XML
or DBA.

Again no conclusion just random thoughts about the topic.

> We have a request entered with Apache Infrastructure for a wiki to
> help us with your second point.  Once we have the wiki it should be
> possible to map out a inventory or "site map" of the existing
> OpenOffice.org web site.   So maybe a big table listing each of the
> subsites or services on OpenOffice.org, along with columns for
> "migrate/archive/trash", "priority" and "volunteer".  Something like
> that.
> -Rob

*Alexandro Colorado*
*OpenOffice.org* EspaƱol

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