Hi all,

Last week during the FISL (International Free Software Forum) in Porto
Alegre, the Brazilian Government's Free Software Implementation
Committee decided to contribute with developers to the projects Apache
OpenOffice.org and TDF's LibreOffice.

The official press release and the signed 'Letter of Intent' can be
found here - 

I hope that this is a solid first step for us in Brazil, and I also
hope that it shows the need of a FLOSS Office Suite that we have here.

I'll be working to get the developers on this mail list as soon as
they' re appointed by their employers.

I also did a presentation about Apache OpenOffice.org with Simon
Phipps, inviting all Brazilian community to join us on the project. I
plan to do a blog post on the next days talking about this
governmental commitment, inviting other governments and individual
contribution to work with us all.

Best Regards,

Jomar Silva

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