Terry Ellison wrote on Mon, Aug 08, 2011 at 10:22:13 +0100:
> On 07/08/11 23:38, Terry Ellison wrote:
> >I've just finished a 1st cut of outstanding tasks and issues for
> >the Wiki.
> >
> >See 
> >https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/Community+Wiki+Services
> >
> >
> >Comments gratefully received on this DL and/or on the page itself.
> >
> >Thanks Terry
> >
> <snip -- a tree of comments>
> Thank-you all for your replies so far.  I will work through and
> respond to individual points in thread at the appropriate branch,
> but here I just wanted to propose that we divide the Wiki migration
> into two separate but task areas:
>    * Migration of the infrastructure service.  What drives this is if
>      Oracle decides, say, that the current hardware is being turned off
>      on the XXth of Aug, then we need to move the service to a box in
>      Apache.org.

s/move the service/grab a backup of the content/

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