Am 08/19/2011 02:48 PM, schrieb Rob Weir:
As my preceding forwards indicate, we're getting some interesting
posts to, including offers of help, but they are
not getting adequate responses.  We're missing opportunities here to
grow the project.

Is there anything we can do to improve this?

1) Continue as now, and I'll forward "interesting" posts to ooo-dev?

2) Send a note to telling them that we've moved
over to ooo-dev and inviting them to join?

It's OK for everyone who is still subscribed to that ML. But not everyone who wants to participate is already subscribed.

3) Auto-responder for telling them that we've moved
over to ooo-dev?

Not a good solution in the case of spam. They would get an answer, know that it's a valid address and start mass spamming.

E.g., I'm still managing the d...@distribution.oo.o and mirr...@distribution.oo.o ML and 99% is spam (up to 20 per day).

4) Shut down to new posts?


It seems that #1 is the best way for the moment as long as the old ML are still working. But maybe together with a note. Then the possible new participant 1) gets an (first) answer, #2 knows that it goes on at ASF, and #3 knows the new ML.

My 2 ct.


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