I've now finished the upgrade to add the Apache Traffic Server front end to the community MediaWiki service at http://ooo-wiki.apache.org/ and the service is back online.

We need to do some further tuning of the system cache optimisation, but even with the first-cut settings that I prepared on my own test-bed VM, the system already looks as if it it is hitting the performance targets needed to sustain a full production transaction rate. It certainly feels extremely snappy compared to the existing OOo community wiki or the Apache cwiki, and the Google pagespeed benchmarks are significantly better than both of these systems. So:

   * We are good to go for production migration of the community wiki.
   * We are the first Apache project adopter of another Apache project,
     Apache Traffic Server (ATS)
   * We have laid the foundation for an ATS template for MediaWiki
     hosting that can be used to promote the use of ATS for the wider
     MediaWiki systems community.

It's been a hard few days work, and still some finishing to do, but my thanks to the Infrstructure and ATS guys that have supported me in making this happen.

Regards Terry

Just a warning in case anyone is browsing the ooo-wiki.apache.org server. We will be taking it offline to add an Apache Traffic Server Cache. You can still all access the current production site at wiki.services.openoffice.org

I will post another announcement when it is back one line for project members to browse/


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