
I have been using OOo for quite some time (its been my fall back if I'm not
able to use Microsoft's suite [mostly on Linux and Mac]) and am very pleased
seeing it become an Apache project. While, I've not really been part of the
OOo community until I heard it has been accepted into the incubator (I been
lurking on the general list, [stuck around after another project I've been
following got accepted into the incubator]), I'm quite interested in helping
this project in anyway shape or form that my skill set is able to do so
(time is also key factor). I do not have much in the way of development
skill set, my primary background is in customer service, with a little bit
of qa testing and a bit of linux server administration.

Anyhow, I mostly wanted to introduce myself and welcome the project [Yea, I
know it a bit on the late side.. I'm more of a lurker]. I've been reading a
few of the discussion threads so far, very pleased with the way things are
heading at this time.

Thanks for reading, please let me know if I can help in shape or form at
this stage.


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