On Sat, 2011-08-27 at 20:40 +0800, Chao Sun wrote:
> Hi, all
> > Hi,
> > 
> > WRT a couple of AOOo committers being located in China e.g. IBM and 
> > RedOffice. Is anyone aware of the Apache Roadshow in Shanghai [1]?
> > 
> > I haven't seen any announcement yet, but stumbled over it by coincidence.
> > 
> > Peter
> > 
> > [1] http://www.apacheasiaroadshow.org/
> Yes, I am one of the committers in China. If anyone knows the details. please 
> let us know.


Are you a software developer?

Will you be working on the actual code?

Do you have any comments on the work being done on the code repository?

Thanks for your time on this - I'm really trying to understand if there
is a point to working on stuff here - without developers it doesn't seem
very worth while and I just don't see any interest coming out of your
way, so just wondering how interested folks are on working on this.



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