Hi Rob,

On Wednesday, 2011-08-31 16:06:48 -0400, Rob Weir wrote:

> > Will AOOo accept code contributions under AL2, be it on the mailing
> > list, as JIRA attachment, or otherwise with consent of the original
> > author, without the author having signed an iCLA?
> >
> > My position on this: yes, it should.
> Let's reframe the question:  Will the project accept code
> contributions under ALv2 via SVN from any committer?
> The answer is: We usually operate under CTR.  Any other committer can
> give a veto on your code contribution, for good reasons.

Yes, for technical or design reasons or if s/he suspects something

> I think the same would be true for a patch from a non-committer.

Of course.

> Since only a committer can actually check in the patch, this is really
> the same situation.  Any other committer can veto the merge of the
> patch.
> So I think we take this on a case-by-case basis.  Personally, I don't
> have problems with a small patch of a few lines where the author has
> clearly expressed they are contributing it under ALv2.  But a patch of
> 10,000 lines of code with doubted provenance?

I wasn't mentioning doubted provenance. I'm talking about cases where
the author clearly states that he owns the copyright and contributes the
work under AL2.

> I would not hesitate to veto that.  For the in-between cases, I think
> we discuss the specific case.


> And from a community development perspective, we should be looking for
> opportunities to encourage contributors to sign the iCLA and look for
> ways to vote them in as Committers.  If someone is making many
> patches, especially significant ones, and we have not voted them in as
> a Committer, then the PPMC is doing something wrong.

I'm taking the occasional savvy contributor into consideration who does
not want to get involved too deeply with the project and does not want
to sign a CLA, yet is willing to contribute his work.


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