On Sun, 2011-09-04 at 13:38 -0400, Rob Weir wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 4, 2011 at 1:21 PM, Terry Ellison <te...@ellisons.org.uk> wrote:
> > On 04/09/11 17:47, Christian Grobmeier wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>> It might be different to discuss roughly at the dev forums were most
> >>>> people know each other than in a public message boards were even my
> >>>> grandmother might participate. At this project I heard the term "end
> >>>> users" very often; I don't think you can use the same rules of heavy
> >>>> geek-discussion for end users of OpenOffice.
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>> I agree.  But I think that just means that support forum
> >>> admins/moderators bring such discussions over here, to the project
> >>> mailing lists.  Honestly, if a forum volunteer is not already on this
> >>> list, understanding what we are doing and how Apache project works and
> >>> how the code base is developing, etc., then they will have a very
> >>> difficult time fairly representing the project to the users.  I don't
> >>> think the project benefits if support volunteers are detached from the
> >>> primary project discussion list.
> >>
> >> +1
> >
> > -0.75 Actually they don't really need to understand anything about how
> > Apache works or how the code-base is developing.  They do end-user support.
> >  The only need to understand how the product /as released and shipped/
> > operates for the end-users.  Knowing about futures is a very low priority
> > nice-to-have.
> And they need to know that information on the day a new release comes
> out, so they can answer questions that come on day 1 of that new
> release.

*chuckling* - you know, I hope, that at least 6 (I didn't go count
fully) or more of the forum admins/mods are already PPMC members.

You might not know that on the forum, the information provided to users
about how and where to enter defects was updated within 24 hours of the
new Bugzilla going on line - we beat the notices on the ML's and the
wiki I think.


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