--- On Wed, 9/7/11, Alexander Thurgood wrote:

> Le 06/09/11 05:34, Jean Weber a écrit :
> Hi Jean, all,
> >> I am afraid we must still do this. Perhaps it's
> >> easier to find the people that oppose ..
> >> Can we legally make a call to everyone that
> >> opposes the change to speak up before
> >>  a certain deadline?
> > 
> > 
> > I don't know if that would be legal, but even if it
> > is, I think it would be very difficult to do
> > that in a fair way.
> > Where are you going to make this call? On a mailing
> > list that many early contributors no longer subscribe 
> > to? On a website that they don't visit any more?
> You are correct in your understanding that such an approach
> would not be legal, at least in many jurisdictions. Copyright
> does not transfer by right of silence in many instances. I
> for one, for whatever insignificant part I may have in the
> current documentation (Draw, Database - English and French),
> oppose changing the terms under which I initially contributed.

It was a bad idea, and wasn't aware that the docs were hosted
outside the OpenOffice.org website. What we are trying to do
is save all the information that will disappear when the old
OpenOffice.org site is shutdown. Any information we can't
get under a license accepted by ASF or relocated somewhere
else dies.

Since your guides are not in imminent danger with the
migration and they are pretty much an independent effort,
I don't think we should spend any energy on it, at least
not during the project incubation phase. 
> I may choose to provide new material according to "the
> Apache Way" in the future, but the heavy handedness I
> have seen elsewhere on this list has provided me with
> no incentive to be a part of the project thus far.

Being an independent effort you can take your own
decisions to suit better your end users, I don't
see how the transitory decisions taken here have
any effect on that, but again, it's your decision.



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