> A correction for information: there is one LibreOffice mailing list at 
> http://libreofficeforum.org/

Excuse me, that looks like a forum and not a mailing list to me?
Anyway, I had never even heard of that before; is it at all officially
related to LibreOffice or TDF? I certainly don't see any actual LO
developers I would know or TDF founding members etc I would have heard
of taking part in the "discussion" there. And I don't see it mentioned
on the LibreOffice site.

Is that libreofficeforum.org just some ad eyeball collector? (I use
Adblock, so I don't see if they have lots of ads...)

The real LibreOffice mailing lists are mentioned on
http://www.libreoffice.org/get-help/mailing-lists/ . Talking just for
myself (a paid developer, not a volunteer), I am interested only in
the technical list,
http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/libreoffice , and
occasionally look at the archives of the "discuss" list for amusement.


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