Hello Terry;

Thanks for doing this last stuff for us!

--- On Wed, 9/14/11, Terry Ellison <ter...@apache.org> wrote:
> 3. I am still concerned about this whole issue of content
> attribution.  IIRC, under the old OCA contributors only
> vested joint rights to Sun/Oracle and free licence on any
> patents.  The base copyright and patents were
> maintained by the originator. The PDL is even tighter of
> contributor rights retention.  So far we have discarded
> all audit of contribution in svn and are currently
> considering doing likewise for documentation content,
> dropping contribution audit trails and defaulting to blanket
> Apache copyright.  As some third parties  might
> take a different view on this, I propose to keep a full
> private archive of the D/B myself as an independent audit
> reference.

I am also concerned about this. Two things two note:

1) If we can't get the documentation with attribution or
under an appropriate license we should not host it under
Apache Servers. In other words the Wiki as it is now,
is dead and only for backup purposes.
2) Looking around, a lot of the information is obsolete,
or made obsolete as part of the migration, and is probably
not worth migrating at all. Some of this also applies to
the Web Pages: in particular mentions to CVS, Development
team, EIS and SUN specific infrastructure, QA will
probably see changes, etc ..). It's something we will
have to sort out once we have the information in it's
final development environment.
> With these changes, I would be happy to put a copy of the
> wiki dump on one of the old OOo servers so that it could be
> pulled by any ooo-dev developers.

It's nice to have that dump to attempt the confluence
conversion. The tools do support extracting information
from the database:

but we don't want people to run password crackers on the
database, so removing all user/password information would
be fine.

Again, thanks for taking the time to help rescue this
in a sensible form and enjoy Greece if you're still there!


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