I finally got around to figuring out how to update our podling status
page:  http://incubator.apache.org/projects/openofficeorg.html

It isn't really too difficult. Not as easy as updating a wiki or a web
page via the CMS.  But is certainly doable, especially with a Linux

My short summary, distilled from the podling guide [1]

Check out the website source:

svn co http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/public/trunk incubator

cd incubator/site-author/projects

Then edit the openofficeorg.xml file.

Then go back up to the incubator dir and run ant.  If no errors then
check in your changes:

svn commit

Note that you will be checking in two files:  the source in
incubator/site-author/projects as well as the generated html in

One that is done you need to check out the changed html into the
production website:

ssh people.apache.org
cd /www/incubator.apache.org
svn update

When I did that the changes were not evident immediately on the
website.    Maybe there is some caching involved.

It would be good if a few other PPMC members gained familiarity with
these steps so we can help keep this status page up to date. And all
PPMC members should check that page and understand the kinds of things
we should be tracking, and remind us when we've done something that
should be mentioned there.

In theory the "status of the clutch" page[2] is updated to reflect
changes in the status report, such as new committers or existence of
an issue tracker.  But this did not appear to happen.


[2] http://incubator.apache.org/clutch.html

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