Everyone replies with what works naturally for them and assumes that my world 
is the same.

So, is the idea that all of should live in the one true silo, so long as it is 
not Microsoft.  

I have tools I am happy and effective with, and then I'm insulted for it.

Why would I want to continue keeping such company and suffering the opportunity 
cost of these raggings?  Are there not more important shared interests than 

Is this what mentoring amounts to?

 - Dennis

Tick, tick, tick ...

-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Lynch [mailto:ianrly...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2011 05:39
To: ooo-dev@incubator.apache.org; dennis.hamil...@acm.org
Subject: Re: Top posting is bad

        From: Ross Gardler [mailto:rgard...@opendirective.com]
        Sent: Friday, September 30, 2011 01:47
        Subject: Top posting is bad
        At the risk of starting a flame-war I am going to state that
        top-posting is bad on publicly archived mailing lists. Can we please
        stop doing it?




        Ross Gardler (@rgardler)
        Programme Leader (Open Development)
        OpenDirective�http://opendirective.com <http://opendirective.com/> 

On 30 September 2011 13:18, Dennis E. Hamilton <dennis.hamil...@acm.org> wrote:

        The assumption behind this recommendation seems to be that all
        mail clients are the same and the list is read the same by
        everyone. �I already *manually* truncate lines to match the
        line-width of the sender.

Hi Dennis, I'm on Gmail and it is quite easy to top post accidentally :-). 
Gmail hides a lot of the quoted text anyway unless you want to see it.�

On the other hand I think having a convention we all try to stick to is a good 
idea simply because it provides consistency and predictability. I'd hate to 
think that this was something that would get to such a point you would leave 
given the amount of hard graft you put in. It's not that important. �Surely it 
isn't too difficult, though, to post sequentially. Took me all of 5 seconds to 
rearrange the order of your post in reply to Ross in this mail and chop out 
most of the text :-). Really this whole issue gets blown out of proportion, but 
I'd say if it's not a big imposition let's just go with the flow.�
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