<orcmid note="Responses to Rob's questions in-line" />

-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Weir [mailto:robw...@apache.org]
Sent: Sunday, October 09, 2011 17:48
To: ooo-dev@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Publishing the PPMC Roster

On Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 8:29 PM, Dennis E. Hamilton <orc...@apache.org> wrote:
> I notice that it is possible to know who are the PMC members of a top-level
> project (although it takes some work).
> I have not found any visible place where Incubator PPMC rosters can be found
> automatically.
> I think it would be a good idea to have such a roster visible to the public
> and, especially, this list.
> That way, you would know who has taken on a commitment to participate in the
> governance of the Apache OOo Podling.
> Also, in the case of a ballot carried out on this ooo-dev list, it is a 
> formal
> way to confirm whose votes are binding.
> I propose to begin a lazy consensus that continues for 5 days ending 
> midnight
> Friday, 2011-10-14T24:00Z.
> Unless there is some Apache policy that prohibits this action, and no 
> serious
> objection, I will go ahead and arrange for the PPMC roster to be published 
> on
> an appropriate incubator page.

That sounds like a discussion point more than a proposal.  A proposal might 

1) What page will contain this information?
  I have no preference.  It could be on the AOOo web site.  It could be on the
  current podling incubator status page,
  at <http://incubator.apache.org/projects/openofficeorg.html>

2) Is updating the page a manual or automated process?
  It would have to be semi-manual, I think.  There is an automated
  list of ooo-private subscribers, but not everyone on that list is
  on the PPMC.  I also have a list that identifies everyone on the
  PPMC that I update as part of the committer/PPMC intake workflow.
  The spreadsheet with that list is in a private-to-the-PPMC SVN
  repository area.

3) Who will do the updating?
  I will do it initially.  I will document the procedure so anyone on the PPMC
  could take it over.

4) How are you determining who is on the PPMC?  Based on vote?  Based
on subscribing to ooo-private?  Based on an authorization file?
  I am not aware of anything like an authz for PPMC members.
  I use the fact that they are invited or elected to be on the PPMC and
  they have actually established themselves on the PPMC by subscribing
  to ooo-private.  I propose that someone who has been invited to the
  PPMC, is established as a committer, and has not subscribed to ooo-
  private to not be established as a PPMC member since they have not
  arranged to follow PPMC discussions and participate in voting.

I might be a +1 or -1 depend on answers to the above questions.  For
example, I'd be against a manual process that yields the wrong answer.

But I do like the idea in general of listing the PPMC members.  Or
even better have a single list that is annotated per roles, e.g. PPMC
member, committer, mentor.
  The current spreadsheet does annotate individuals by their role,
  and it might be usefully extracted in the form needed for the
  table.  It can even be sorted by role to mimic the current
  table entries.


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