On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 9:04 AM, Shane Curcuru <a...@shanecurcuru.org> wrote:
> On 10/12/2011 8:51 AM, Rob Weir wrote:
>> On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 6:34 AM, Ross Gardler
>> <rgard...@opendirective.com>  wrote:
>>> Before I sign off I'd like to see the report address external
>>> communications explicitly.
>>> The project has a real problem right now with asserting itself as the
>>> OpenOffice.org project and defining how it will interact with
>>> downstream projects. Is the community going to take ownership of this?
>>> It would be nice to see a statement from the PPMC making it explicit
>>> what they wish to tackle and, where possible, how. For example, after
>>> a flurry of discussion about improved security reporting processes and
>>> collaboration opportunities is the PPMC going to deliver or will this
>>> just die down and go away?
>> In that other long thread -- and it is understandable if you missed
>> this -- I said:
>> "I think it would be good if the PPMC wanted to express to the
>> ooo-security members that they want us to make security collaboration
>> with TDF/LO a priority and to make every effort to share all
>> appropriate information with TDF/LO.  I'd support that.  This could be
>> solemnized by having a few Apache members, maybe mentors, affirm that
>> they will make an effort to monitor that ooo-security list and to
>> escalate to the AOOo PPMC is there is any backsliding on this."
> I'm not sure what you're actually asking here.  "ooo-security members"
> should be the people the PPMC appoints/approves there (and potentially
> anyone that the central Apache security@ team appoints), so it seems like
> you're talking about yourselves there.  Who else is there between the
> ooo-security@ list and the PPMC?

Currently, there is no one one between ooo-security and the PPMC.  And
I am perfectly fine with that.  But Ross's question was about external
relations, not the relationship between the PPMC and ooo-security.

> Yes, I agree that efforts should be made to responsibly share security
> issues with technically related projects.  This should be a default; while
> it's certainly good to bring it up, if there was anyone here who wasn't
> clear on the idea that Apache projects *must* take security seriously,
> then... well, then they should change their expectations.

That wasn't my point.  I don't think it was Ross's either.

> Security in Apache products - and properly handling reports and
> *responsibly* disclosing issues - is a mandatory feature.  If the PPMC does
> have specific questions on best Apache practices, then security@ is the
> place to go.

Yes, but not the point.

>> So I'm proposing that a couple Apache members step up to the plate on
>> this as well.  What do you say?
> The point of incubation is to show a healthy community that manages itself.
>  So I'm looking to the PPMC to be handling this yourselves. That said,
> trying to attract new contributors - especially ones who are familiar with
> the Apache Way - is always a good idea.

Maybe someone else can explain this better, since I'm obviously
failing to get my point across here.  If no one else cares, then
that's fine too.

> I certainly plan to review the ooo-security@ list periodically to see how
> it's operating, as a mentor, but currently that's to prove to myself that
> the project's members are acting responsibly, not necessarily to do the
> project's work for it.
> - Shane
>> -Rob
>>> NOTE I'm not asking for a full strategy in the report, just a
>>> statement indicating whether or not the PPMC feels that it owns these
>>> issues. If it doesn't want to own them then who does?
>>> Ross
>>> On 7 October 2011 15:33, Shane Curcuru<a...@shanecurcuru.org>  wrote:
>>>> Tip: the board always appreciates well written reports that follow these
>>>> reporting guidelines:
>>>>  http://www.apache.org/foundation/board/reporting
>>>> - Shane
>>>> On 10/5/2011 8:05 PM, Alexandro Colorado wrote:
>>>>> Added some items for the October report for OOo. Feel free to chip in.
>>>>> http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/October2011?action=diff&rev2=11&rev1=10
>>> --
>>> Ross Gardler (@rgardler)
>>> Programme Leader (Open Development)
>>> OpenDirective http://opendirective.com

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