On 10/14/2011 8:58 AM, Pedro Giffuni wrote:
--- On Fri, 10/14/11, Robert Burrell Donkin wrote:
A branch would save us from having say... 1000 commits
with header changes in the history.
Apache uses version control as the canonical record. It's
therefore essential to know why a header was changed and
by whom.

And of course the branch would be on SVN so the history for
the legal changes wouldn't be lost. Of course I meant this
only for the SGA, but ultimately it depends on the people
applying in and from what I understand now, *I* won't be
touching any headers :).

thanks for all these explanations,


Robert & Pedro,

I intend to get started on the headers in the very near future.
My intention is to do a series of checkins by project/directory in the source tree, matching the changes to the grant(s). I have a bit of sequencing of activities before I start, but this is next up on the list.



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Andrew Rist | Interoperability Architect
Oracle Corporate Architecture Group
Redwood Shores, CA | 650.506.9847

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