Hi Bert,

i assume it is again a threading issue on MacOS and the used Java API requires the main thread as well. I don't have a solution yet for you and i am not aware of any existing solution but we have to solve this issue anyway. But at the moment we have many other thinks to do with our ongoing IP clearance.

But your extensions is quite interesting and of course very useful for probably many users.

We can also think about a further UNO API to ask for the system default printer because the code should be available somewhere.

Please keep us informed or ping us again in the future when we have more time to focus on this problem.


On 10/25/11 5:17 PM, Bert Frees wrote:
Hi Alexandro,

Thanks for your suggestion.

Something I didn't mention yet is that I need an interface that can send
raw data (a byte stream) to a printer driver. The problem with braille
printers is that they're very different from normal ink printers. A
braille printer is more like an old dotmatrix or impact printer, and is
controlled with special escape sequences and codes that define where a
braille dot has to be placed on the paper.

Is it possible to send raw data to a printer using this API?


On 25/10/2011 16:41, Alexandro Colorado wrote:
hi, i think it might be better to usee the uno api for the printing

On 10/25/11, Bert Frees<bertfr...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,

My name is Bert Frees. I'm the developer of odt2braille, the Braille
plugin for OOo: http://odt2braille.sourceforge.net/index.html. Some time
ago I raised an issue on the old developer list (see e-mail below), but
I got no reaction. I'm bringing it up again on this list in the hope
somebody here can help me out. I'm not a Mac expert at all, but I get a
lot of requests for Mac support. A lot of people would be very happy if
this got solved.

Thanks in advance,
Bert Frees

Bert Frees
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Dept. Elektrotechniek - ESAT - SCD
Onderzoeksgroep Documentarchitecturen
Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 bus 2442
B-3001 Heverlee-Leuven

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: odt2braille on the Mac
Date: Mon, 16 May 2011 11:55:37 +0200
From: Bert Frees<bertfr...@gmail.com>
To: d...@openoffice.org


I'm new to this mailing list. My name is Bert Frees. I am the developer
of odt2braille, the OpenOffice.org plugin for printing and exporting
Braille. The website is http://odt2braille.sourceforge.net/index.html.

I'm trying to make this plugin available on the Mac, but I've been
puzzling on a bug for some time now and I'm really stuck. I hope there
is somebody on this list who is familiar with OOo on the Mac, and who
knows what might be the problem.

I'm using javax.print.PrintServiceLookup

to look up the default printer device. It works fine on Windows, but on
Mac OS it causes OOo to crash. Also, I'm sure the problem is OOo-related
because the code runs fine when it is not embedded in an OOo extension.

This is the code:

javax.print.PrintService[] printers =


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