On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 1:20 AM, Raphael Bircher <r.birc...@gmx.ch> wrote:
> Hi at all
> I just moved the old OOo archive to the Apache archive server. After
> talkback with the infra team, I find out that it's allowed to have old
> releases in the apache archive, even the builds are LGPLed. Subversion has
> done the same to.
> The OOo Archive it's a realy valua part. It's a part of our history, and so
> I find it important, that we keep all alive. The old OOo builds are now on
> http://archive.apache.org/dist/incubator/ooo/ .

Good work.  Thanks!

Are there any links on the website that we should update to point to
this new location?


> Greetings Raphael
> --
> My private Homepage: http://www.raphaelbircher.ch/

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