On Tue, 2011-11-22 at 09:31 -0500, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:
> I posted this to their forum, see if it may motivate some people there
> http://www.oooforum.org/forum/viewtopic.phtml?p=456167#456167

Hi Andrew,

I added some comments to the forum post above.

For those that don't follow the forums I'll include the full text of
those comments here:

Hello Andrew, 

Noticed your comment to the Apache OpenOffice mailing list and your link
to this post. 

I just wanted to add some personal comments to what you posted. 

First - I did not see the images that sparked this either, but from what
I can gather they hit a nerve with a few individuals. 

Second - it is true that a couple of individuals, whom I don't believe
have any history with any of the forums, made comments on the Apache
OpenOffice mailing list along the lines you describe - HOWEVER - there
was, to my reading of the list, no uptake to the idea at all. 

Also - the Apache OpenOffice group has been dealing with some issues
concercning another website, one that has nothing to do with the forum
here, and I think everyone was a bit on edge, a bit more rhetoric flying
around then is really healthy - so what I think is that the timing on
this particular 'event', happening while peoples emotions where already
heightened was a large contributing factor to most of the comments. 

That all I wanted to add to this particular subject. 

Best wishes, 



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