Hi Drew;

Thank you and others for the vote of confidence.

Up till now I have been focusing on being a committer to
spend more time on the code, which I think is/was essential
to get the project going.

I think most of the critical things I wanted done there are
done or already on their way and we now have more committers
so I have indeed considered joining the PPMC.

In these days I have received what is an excellent news for
me: I am now in the process of becoming a committer in the
FreeBSD Project. I have been a contributor to FreeBSD since
around 1987, and it's huge honor to be there with people
that have earned my respect and admiration through their
technical competence and personal qualities.

My new responsibilities in FreeBSD's codebase will demand
a lot of dedication, and they will certainly take some time
from Apache OpenOffice so I will take a, hopefully short,
break from AAO to sort things out and I will be back.

I won't get completely lost and do expect to join the
PPMC soon.

thanks again,


--- Mar 29/11/11, drew <d...@baseanswers.com> ha scritto:
> > 
> > Just something to think about; I am not a PPMC member
> > (I am considering it, though) 
> Hi,
> I've been very quite - ok, MIA - but this message deserves
> a reply.
> Pedro - you really would add value and I would urge you to
> join the
> Sincerely,
> Drew Jensen

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