
On 05.12.2011 13:32, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann wrote:

here is the status of my findings regarding the usage of the Berkeley DB:

It is used in modules l10ntools, xmlhelp and desktop.

In module l10ntools it is used by 'dead code' in a tool called 'HelpLinker'. The
'HelpLinker' tool is used in module helpcontent2 to prepare the help content
data for the help system. As this is 'dead code' I have already removed it in my
local environment. I have checked the resulting installation and the help system
still works.

In module xmlhelp it is used for the help system to _read_ Berkeley DB files. As
far as I have figured out the Berkeley DB files which may be accessed are the
ones which may have been created by the preparing the help content data.
As such Berkeley DB files are no longer created - see above - I am currently
removing the code accessing Berkeley DB files in module xmlhelp in my local
environment. I will follow-up on this here, when I have checked the resulting

I have checked the resulting installation of my local environment having removed the Berkeley DB usage code from xmlhelp. The help system works - at least my test cases. Also, the help content of a new installed extension is working in the help system.

In module desktop it is used for the management of installed extensions. For
each installed extension a key-value-pair is stored in a Berkeley DB file. There
are created certain Berkeley DB files in an installation for various purposes.
The intrinsic data type of the 'key' and the 'value' is <string>.

Thus, it looks like that we only have one 'real' dependence on Berkeley DB - the
management of extensions.

feedback/comments/support is welcome.

Best regards, Oliver.

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