Hello the list,

Here is a copy-paste of some notes I wrote for the Windows version. If I remember correctly, there are some Oracle traces remaining, mostly when using the MSI.

Notes about the Windows version :

1) MS Installer :

The following icons need to be modified/removed


3) These icon names are used in : instsetoo_native/util/openoffice.lst
e.g. can we create new icons, and change the names ?

4) Still mandatory

Replace the Logo containing Oracle.
Location:  ooo_custom_images

5) Survey : appears when uninstalling

Do we keep the survey  thing ?
Location in the code : setup_native/source/win32/customactions/ relnotes/relnotes.cxx If to be removed, we can add : +remove the stuff about ShowSurveyAfter in scp2 ?

6)  + what I forgot ... (please complete)

Thanks in advance !!


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