On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 3:31 AM, Andrew Pitonyak <and...@pitonyak.org>wrote:

> On Sun, 18 Dec 2011 21:28:04 -0800, "Dennis E. Hamilton"
> <dennis.hamil...@acm.org> wrote:
> > I took care of it as soon as I saw it (after being away all day and
> > returning about an hour ago).  The user is unsubscribed.
> Excellent. This is a thankless job!
Personally I'm a fan of warning first. Misguided / novice (to email lists,
etc...) people are everywhere as well as those that are unfortunate.

Take the case in point ("jomali")... The user that has now been
unsubscribed had previously provided the list with answers and provided
assistance to other users. They were a useful part of the community.
Admittedly (last couple of posts) it seems that their email account may
have been compromised which resulted in spam, so maybe warnings may not
have worked, however this is not always the case. I don't think their
intention was to sign up and spam the list.

My approach would have been to warn, then unsubscribe if behaviour
continues. I've used this approach for those users who 'misbehave' and
generally are trolling on the lists as well (not just for spam).

> > Some lists allow the first post from a new subscriber to be moderated.
> It
> > should be easy to have unsubscribe as a moderation reply option.  The
> > advantage is that the spam would never get to the list, and it is
> actually
> > easier on the moderator, rather than seeing it on the list first, or
> having
> > subscribers yell at -owner@ to have somebody banned.
> I am a big fan of this method!
Moderating every new subscribers first post will simply increase the
moderators job (and would not have worked in this case). I think the
solution will be for everyone to raise to the moderators attention
behaviour (spam included) that goes against the lists norms with
appropriate behaviour taken based on the circumstances.

Just my $0.02 worth



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