On 12/26/2011 8:42 AM, Dave Fisher wrote:

On Dec 25, 2011, at 4:24 PM, John Boyle wrote:

On 12/25/2011 11:42 AM, drew wrote:
This has been quite a year for the extended community and communities of
individuals formed since the decision to open source the original
StarOffice application suite some 12 years ago. Then again the same
could be said for the entire dozen years - and here is my meager attempt
to capture that in 2 minutes...


Merry Christmas

~~ Drew Jensen

To Dev: What is with this "HAPPY HOLIDAY" business? Christ IS a PROVEN HISTORICAL 
PERSON, BY ATHEISTIC AND AGNOSTIC SCIENTISTS, Jewish Historians and even Muslim historians, 
so you cannot argue he did not! SO WHY CAN'T THIS SEASON BE CALLED BY ITS HISTORIC NAME, 
*MERRY CHRISTMAS and NOTHING LESS!!! I thought this list was about OOo and NOT something 
Politically sickening!!!!!>:o *

Can we just appreciate the good will of the season, please?!


Could it be that not all of us are Christians? I'm not.

Well, we had another Christian on the old OOo lists who complained that Christmas had solely pagan roots, but nothing to do with worshiping Jesus, hence he felt badly offended. For some this season seems to be about dogma rather than peace.

Let's all celebrate another go round of the sun. A solar return!

Best Regards however you best choose!

>>>your preferred seasonal greetings here<<<

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