On 01/ 7/12 05:01 PM, Ariel Constenla-Haile wrote:
Hi Paul,


sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'shell'
cpan>  install Archive::Zip
cpan>  exit


Thanks Ariel,

I'm going to keep trying until successful.

Got past the Perl error.  Configure is still stalling, not in the prerequisite:

checking whether to enable EPM for packing... yes
checking for epm... no
configure: error: no. Install ESP Package Manager (www.easysw.com/epm) and/or 
specify the path to the right epm (--with-epm). Or specify an Url to an epm-3.7 
source package (--with-epm-url)

I'll check tomorrow on easysw.com for ESP.


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