On 07/01/12 18:44, drew wrote:
> On Sat, 2012-01-07 at 12:09 -0500, Carl Marcum wrote:
>> On 01/07/2012 07:33 AM, Raphael Bircher wrote:
>>> Hi all
>>> Is sameone around here with Java 7? I hear that LO 3.4.x has trubble
>>> with Java 7. So this is probabily also a problem at AOO 3.4. Can sameone
>>> test this?
>> I installed OOo-Dev_OOO340m1_Linux_x86-64_install-rpm_en-US from 
>> http://people.apache.org/~arielch/packages/

>> When I try to add a 1.7 jre, I receive a "The folder you selected does 
>> not contain a Java runtime environment" error.
>> I can also confirm this is the same behavior as OOo 3.3.0 I have 
>> installed by download previously.
> IIRC, the fix turned out to be an update to a string resource in the
> code - easy hack - but that comes from reading along on a mailing list,
> third hand information ;-/

i think the problem was that the java.vendor property has changed, because
sadly "Sun Microsystems Inc." does not exist anymore.

now i have no idea why the heck OOo needs to know which JVM it's running
with, but then again the C++ UNO stuff creates vtables out of whole cloth
at runtime, so presumably the public JVM interfaces aren't good enough
either :)

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