Some externally-sourced images do not present properly in all browsers that 
visit the AOO blog.

I notice this especially with IE 9 and IE 8.  The root source is apparently 
violation of browser privacy rules (even set to medium or low) when accessing 
the image file attempts to deliver cookies to the client from a domain other 
than that of the blog site.  (When the image is accessed directly in these 
browsers, the user is asked whether to download or display it, rather than 
having it be automatically displayed.)  
Since it seems inappropriate to request visitors to the blog to lower their 
browser privacy settings, it would be useful to avoid this problem for casual 
users and visitors.

This happens with the post that Hagar prepared that is now available at <> as of today.  
The graphic is at <>.
  The post is not comprehensible without the graphic.

This does *not* happen with Armin's beautiful graphic in the post from 
yesterday: <>.

The difference is that Armin's graphic was uploaded to the blog site.  

It would be a good thing to find out how that was done and to follow in Armin's 
 - Dennis

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