Read over Don's post. He was using an analogy, I believe, to make a
point about SOPA.

On 18 January 2012 13:53, Dennis E. Hamilton <> wrote:
> Don,
> What's your understanding of the connection between open-source encryption 
> algorithms and SOPA/PIPA?  Where is there more information available?
> Are you talking about the encryption methods themselves or the *use* of 
> encryption in support of piracy.  Those are different.
> With regard to encryption software at Apache, there are existing provisions 
> by which encryption in ASF releases are registered with the US Government.  
> The methods being provided in open-source is part of what makes them 
> permissible.
> Also, the *current* and LibreOffice releases incorporate 
> open-source encryption methods.  Apache OpenOffice developer snapshots do as 
> well (though there may be some short-term impact with the removal of 
> dependencies on libraries whose licenses are incompatible with ALv2).
>  - Dennis
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Donald Whytock []
> Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 09:56
> To:
> Subject: Re: 18 Jan 2012: SOPA and PIPA Protest Banner
> This showed up on Yahoo today...
> Apparently some feel that Wikipedia shouldn't take any political
> stands at all...that it sets a bad precedent and potentially damages
> its reputation.  Me, I think Wikipedia isn't taking a political stand
> as much as a personal one, since the legislation affects Wikipedia
> directly.  But perceptions are subjective.
> I think Apache in general, and perhaps AOO in particular, could also
> take a personal stand.  After all, if I'm reading the EFF analysis
> correctly, one good open-source encryption implementation could get
> Apache shut down.  Weren't y'all discussing encryption standards and
> implementations here a few months ago?
> Don

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