On 2/2/12 11:16 PM, Rob Weir wrote:
On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 11:38 AM, Dennis E. Hamilton<orc...@apache.org>  wrote:
As of the end of day, 2012-01-31, the Apache OpenOffice podling has 85
committers, with 67 on the PPMC.

Since the previous, 2011-11-17, report there is an increase of 4 committers
and 9 PPMC members.

There are no outstanding iCLAs for initial committers and there are no
remaining eligible initial committers who have not established themselves.

As an aside, we all owe Dennis as big round of thanks for his constant
attention to the Committer on-boarding process since the day this
project started.

This work is behind the scenes, not visible to the public.  Most of
this, being personal and sensitive, is done on the ooo-private list.
But much of this process runs on a spreadsheet-based workflow that
Dennis devised, that tracks project participants who signed up as
Initial Committers, through the several required steps of submitting
ICLAs, picking ID's, etc.  He also adapted his system to track the new
Committers that we vote in from time to time.

So thanks from me to Dennis.  It is great to say we've reached this
milestone now.



Would it be correct to now update our podling status file and set the
dates of all the "Establish a list of active committers" items to
2012-02-01 ?




  - Dennis

   for the Apache OpenOffice PPMC


Now On-Board:

   1 champion
   5 mentor
   1 mentor/committer
  67 PPMC (all currently committers)
  17 committers (not counted under PPMC)
   6 other (ASF Member observers, etc.)
  97 TOTAL = pending PPMC? + complete + authz below

Pending Actions:

   0 committer/PPMC invitations pending
   0 waiting for acceptance
   0 waiting for iCLA
   0 invited to choose ID
   0 waiting for choice of ID
   1 pending ID account creation and addition as committer
   0 authz - awaiting completion of authorizations
  17 PPMC? - eligible for serving on PPMC
  80 complete
  25 other - special status - declined, retired, etc.
  123 TOTAL

-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis E. Hamilton [mailto:orc...@apache.org]
Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2011 21:00
To: ooo-dev@incubator.apache.org
Subject: 2011-11-17 PPMC Status: Bringing Initial Committers On-Board

As of the end of day, 2011-11-17, there are 81 committers, with 58 on the

Since the previous, 2011-10-12, report that is an increase of 5 committers and
4 PPMC members.

The number of outstanding iCLAs is down to 9 from 11.  There are two ID
chosen? pending, and that is unchanged although only one is not new.

At this time there are 9 Initial Committers who have failed to respond in any
fashion to the final reminder that was sent on 2011-10-21.  Three have
responded affirmatively.  The final reminder provides notification that if
there is no communication by midnight UTC, 2011-11-18T24:00Z, the Initial
Committer status will have expired.

  - Dennis

   for the Apache OOo PPMC

-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis E. Hamilton [mailto:orc...@apache.org]
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 10:11
To: ooo-dev@incubator.apache.org
Subject: 2011-10-12 PPMC Status: Bringing Initial Committers On-Board

As of the end of day, 2011-10-11, there are 76 committers, with 54 on the

Since the previous, 2011-09-13 report, that is an increase of 4 committers,
and one leaving the PPMC.

The number of outstanding iCLAs from eligible Initial Committers remains at

  - Dennis

   1 champion
   5 mentor
   2 mentor/committer
  54 PPMC
  20 committer
   7 other
  89 TOTAL = Pending PPMC? + complete, below

   0 invite
   0 accepted?
  11 iCLA?
   0 choose ID
   2 ID chosen?
   0 ID pending
  20 PPMC?
  69 complete
   8 other
  110 TOTAL

  [ ... ]

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