On 2/11/12 6:30 PM, Kay Schenk wrote:
On Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 2:04 PM, Andrew Rist<andrew.r...@oracle.com>  wrote:


   for anyone interested in helping debug...

   Here are two outstanding issues that I am uncertain of...
     - we're using java-7-openjdk-i386 , are there any known problems with
haven't tried it yet

     - we're using ubu 11.04 - what are the extra hoops that we need to
jump through to get that working?

I am not aware of any special steps here. Everything should work now but I will try it again...

and of course - thanks in advance for the help...


Andrew --

I might be able to help with this later in the coming week.

Are the build docs at:


current or ???
no, we have to update the build guides ... volunteers are welcome ;-)


I'm on openSuSE 11.4 though not ubu 11.04 AND I still use java-1.6 though I
could upgrade if this would help you. I had problems with openjdk 1.6 last
year and never re-enabled it.

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