
On 11 February 2012 10:53, Sylvain DENIS <> wrote:
> Hello,
>> I'm a new member and new follower.
>> I work with E.Bachard on the project EducOOo (OpenOffice Education).
>> I have 39 years and i'm a french guy living and working in Belgium for the
>> Education in "Communauté francaise" (or Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles).
>> I hope to become a representative for AOO in Belgium, if you want???
>> I am really tired of this information that makes LibreOffice.
>> see this info:
>> <>(in
>> french)
>> (in english)
>> Could we not do the same for Apache OpenOffice
>> thanks for your attention and sorry for my english
>> --
>> Librement,
>> Sylvain DENIS
>> *ICT & FLOSS Specialist*
>> *RSRSi (Responsable Sécurité et Risques des Systèmes d'information)*
>> ________________
>> Site perso:
>> <>
>> Educoo
>> *Merci de ne m'envoyer que des fichiers aux formats interopérables
>> (odf,ods,odp) et d'éviter les autres (doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx).*
Did anyone reply to your query? I didn't see any response to your
particular point, to become a representative of AOO in Belgium.

AOO is not OOo. AOO is part of Apache and is a Podling. I am not even
sure "we" even "have" the category of "representative," and if we do,
I'd be interested to know "what* is being represented: Apache? AOO
(same thing, almost), or what?

When I wanted to blog on the milestone successes, Apache presumed I
meant to do it as a representative. I did not, as I do not presume to
represent Apache, and as I have been declaring in nearly every post,
the past is past, this is the present and the future.

So, we may--maybe have already--"representatives," as we did with OOo. But?

That said, as Ross hinted in another post, simply because Apache qua
Apache does not have, by intention, the same sort of enduser outreach
as OOo did, does not mean that other friendly collaborative entities
cannot assume that role, though the "representativeness" of the entity
would have to be approved by the PPMC, or similar authority, I'd


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