Thanks P. and thanks, D.

On Monday, 27 February 2012, Pedro Giffuni wrote:

> Done but it may take a while to appear ...
> Pedro.
> On 02/26/12 05:45, Louis Suárez-Potts wrote:
>> Hi
>> Forwarded here is some housekeeping. Lars used to be the NLC lead for
>> SV--long ago. Per took it over but then time overtook OOo and it all
>> becomes moot.
>> See below for Lars' requests. I do not think I can fulfil them, and am
>> simply amazed that the old site continues to exist as something other
>> than a memory.
>> If some one can help Lars, please. I asked him if it was okay to
>> forward this message to the the list an he wrote, in effect, yes.
>> Thanks
>> Louis
>> --
>> Hi, Louis,
>> 1) I'm unable to find the link on that takes me to the
>> mailing list management pages.  Can you forward that link to me or else
>> take me off as a list moderator for the dev@ list below?  Thanks.
>> Also, I see my name is still listed as being active in
>> Could you contact the person with write access to that page and have my
>> name removed?  I have not been active since 2008 or so in the Swedish
>> community but still get mail from time to time.  Last week, I got yet
>> another mail.  Thanks for your help and patience.
>> Regards
>> /Lars
>> -------- Original Message --------
>> Subject: Article to be approved for list dev from
>> Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2012 11:16:31 +0000 (GMT)
>> From:
>> Reply-To:
>> To:
>> To distribute the attached message in list dev:
>> 20743d9cf0a6014a6fa4c7c4fa3290**13ab
>> Or send a message to with the following subject :
>> DISTRIBUTE dev 743d9cf0a6014a6fa4c7c4fa329013**ab
>> To distribute the attached message in list dev and whitelist the sender:
>> 20743d9cf0a6014a6fa4c7c4fa3290**13ab%20WHITELIST
>> Or send a message to with the following subject :
>> DISTRIBUTE dev 743d9cf0a6014a6fa4c7c4fa329013**ab WHITELIST
>> To reject it (it will be removed):
>> 20743d9cf0a6014a6fa4c7c4fa3290**13ab
>> Or send a message to with the following subject :
>> REJECT dev 743d9cf0a6014a6fa4c7c4fa329013**ab
>> To reject it (it will be removed) and blacklist the sender:
>> 20743d9cf0a6014a6fa4c7c4fa3290**13ab%20BLACKLIST
>> Or send a message to with the following subject :
>> REJECT dev 743d9cf0a6014a6fa4c7c4fa329013**ab BLACKLIST
>> Number of messages awaiting moderation for this list : 18

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