On 02/03/2012 Simon Phipps wrote:
On Mar 2, 2012 7:12 PM, "Dennis E. Hamilton" wrote:
This means using metadata in valid ODF files as a way of
discriminating against the producer.  That sucks.  The
generator marker is explicitly not for this purpose.
This is a very important point and I agree entirely with Dennis here.
Warnings where there has been a format translation are one thing, but this
is another entirely.

We should also remember that even two 100% compliant ODF producers/consumers (i.e., programs that write and interpret ODF in total conformance with the standard) may behave differently since the standard allows "implementation-defined" behavior.

For example, summing empty cells in OpenOffice Calc returns zero, while the same operation in other ODF-capable suites yields an error. And ODF allows this to be implementation-defined and both are right, so warnings related to the producer are even less meaningful.

(I understand that, in the case being discussed -named ranges-, it was concluded that this is just a not-yet-implemented feature in OpenOffice, but I'm speaking in general).


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