
 Rob Weir schrieb:
> I'm talking about final sign-off.  Of course, normal Apache principles
> apply here.  Our work is done openly, on the mailing lists.
> Transparency is important.


> The fact that we have consumer users does not mean that project
> members can issue press releases without review and approval of the
> PMC and Press@.

Yes, You say absolutely correct.

But ..

... limit is the fact that it is the local user activity is not only on 
national issues of language software, but _it also requires the specific local 

That's what I mean.

> Yes.  But as mentioned above, it would be better if you first started
> a thread here on ooo-dev making a proposal for a press release,
> describing in high-level terms the purpose and content.

OK, thanks.

> I don't see it as a bad thing.  

OK. but still it is not quite the same as the work within AOO / ASF

> Groups outside of AOO have some
> advantages, e.g., they can raise funds, hire developers, issue press
> releases, etc.  Members of such groups can also be members of the
> Apache OpenOffice project.   Of course, their are benefits of working
> entirely within the AOO project.

I have to think about it for now.



Please Rob:
I have worked for more than 6 years in the german OOo community and I work 
professionally continue for OpenOffice - only it's hard for me to understand 
how the ASF works and here to find my place.

Please understand that my English is not the best, and it is sometimes 
difficult for me to express myself accurately.

Thank you.

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