
Disclaimer : the mail is not well quoted, so I'm not sure who I'm answering. Apologies if ever my answer is not clear.

Le 9 mars 12 à 03:05, lou ql a écrit :

2. a dialog appears asking for username&password
3. enter correct username/password, then press Enter
4. the folder opened and I can see all contents
5. close it. do some other operations: copy image then paste...open/ close...
6. click File->open in openoffice then insert click Open
Nothing happened...

it seems you did an intensive testing. But I can't reproduce the problems testing against a server running on Ubuntu and MacOS with clients based on OOo3.3 or AOO3.4 r1296433 on Windows 7 and MacOS.

How do you run this on Mac openoffice? I cannot type into the open dialog on Mac 10.6, but can only select the local folders or the mounted folders.

To open URL directly with the Mac OS X version, you need to use the OpenOffice.org Open dialog box (not the Apple native one).

To achieve that, you'll have to open the preferences ( Apple + " , " key) or Tools ->Options. Once done, in OpenOffice.org -> General -> check the OpenOffice.org dialog box.

Then quit AOOo, and try to Open a file -> URL will be allowed (but you'll lose the native box).

See: http://ftp.educoo.org/home/ApacheOpenOffice.org/open_URL/ AOOo_open_fr.pdf

(sorry, french version  only).

The same when I want to insert an image via URL from Insert- >Picture->From File.... I attached the open dialog, can you show me where do you type the URL? Thank you so much..

and, is there anybody can help me to recover my XP? I tried uninstall openoffice and Ooo-dev then remove the user profile and the folder in C:\Program Files, then re-install oo3.3 this morning, but it still cannot connect to the WebDAV....

Ok I should say I was able to open documents (in sub-directories, with spaces or special characters in the name) edit and save the documents.

Has anybody else tried to connect to a WebDAV server?

Yes, me. Long time ago. We even had a patch for that, but it was refused, because it could cause an issue with Calc. I don't remind the issue number in IssueZilla, so you'll have to search using "webdav" keyword os something similar.



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