On 3/10/2012 17:59, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
On 10/03/2012 Rob Weir wrote:
A draft blog post using the timeline to make a point about our
migration efforts:

Nice. A few observations:
- Check "has the timeline above shows"
- Now that I notice, the New Color Picker is not that interesting in
strategic terms. It is a nice feature and very good to have, but it was
contributed to other projects before, so it's not something peculiar to
Apache OpenOffice.
- I would include links to all resources you list in the paragraph
"includes mailing lists, support forums, wikis, bug databases..."


Nice, indeed. I concur on links and s/has/as/, plus you might check the order of the legend against the order of the plots.

AOO's Chart module could probably be extended to produce a diagram like this, as a type of XY ("scatter") chart.


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