On 13 Mar 2012, at 21:18, Rob Weir wrote:

> The "about" box in the dev snapshots says:
> "Apache OpenOffice acknowledges all community members, especially
> those mentioned at http://www.openoffice.org/welcome/credits.html";
> But that page has not been updated.
> Was this page just manually updated, or do we generate it from some data file?
> What criteria do we use for inclusion?
> Do we want to make a page for "legacy" contributors and then have the
> main page be for "current" ones?
> I'm not proposing any particular solution.  I'm just noting that the
> current stale data probably pleases no few of us.

Is the phrase still an appropriate thing to have there now the project is no 
longer controlled by Sun? As I recall its original purpose was to ensure it was 
not just the Sun developers who were acknowledged (the Sun logo was also 
prominently displayed).


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