Just a quick heads-up that have two potential mentors and two "ideas"
submitted for the 2012 Google Summer of Code from the ODF Toolkit

If are a student, or know one who has applied for GSoC, you might note
these two ideas as ways in which they can participate and advance the
larger ODF ecosystem.

One idea is related to creating command line tools that can manipulate
ODF documents.  With these, users, from power users to data wranglers
can create powerful document-driven scripts without any programmers.


The other idea is to add RDF support to the ODF Toolkit.  RDF, the
cornerstone of the "semantic web" is a way to extent the familiar
WYSIWYG document to include additional networks of meaning.  RDF is
new to ODF 1.2,and this is a great time to show the power of this new


More information on Apache and GSoC:


And the general GSoC Homepage:




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