Hi All, 

>From ImSoftwareSystems there are 4 people participating in the
qa of AOO. Let me introduce myself. I am Ram babu Veeranki, I did my Master
of Technology in Industrial Engineering. I have around 13 years of Software
Development experience. I have worked for IBM for long time and resigned
around 1 year back and started this company recently. 1.Kishore Vaka has
around 7 years of QA experience.He worked for companies like Nokia,IBM. He
did his Masters in computer applications. He leads the QA team. 2.Neelima T
- She has Masters in Computer applications.She is a member of the QA
3.Swamy - He has bachelors degree in Engineering with specialisation
in Electronics. He is a member of the QA team.
4.Kavita - She holds
Bachelor's degree in Commerce. She involves in QA occasionally.
Devi - She holds Bachelor of Engineering in Computer science.She is a
member if the QA team. Thanks & Regards, Im Software Systems

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