Thanks for the great reply Rob, sent you a Note.

On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 1:07 AM, Rob Weir <> wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 8:25 AM, Ian <> wrote:
> > Hi People,
> >
> > not sure if this is the correct place to raise my head, but I have been
> > lurking here for a week or so now with a view to getting involved. Like
> > everyone I am not sure how much time I really have.
> >
> >
> Hi Ian,
> Welcome to the project.  Although "ooo-dev" might sound like it is only for
> developers, it actually is the project's main list.  So you are in the
> right place.
> We have some subsidiary lists as well:
> > My background is that of a software developer for some twenty plus years
> > (currently employed by the same institution as Rob, but on the other side
> > of the world, in Australia).
> > I'll skip the resume etc. I figure people are more interested in getting
> > things done.
> >
> > I have been looking around at the get involved links. They are very
> > misleading and take you to places that look like they have not been
> updated
> > for many years.
> > like ,,, which is
> > from the page. I'm sure I saw
> > cobwebs in the corners there.
> > (A review of the potential new developers interface may be needed?)
> >
> > Anyway, I'm sure I will find my way around eventually. All guidance
> > gratefully accepted.
> >
> >
> Hmmm.... This should be our main "get involved" page:
> But it sounds like there are paths that lead visitors elsewhere.  We need
> to fix that.
> > I don't understand what if anything someone needs to do to join the gang.
> > Are there any weird initiations, gotta get the new logo tatoo? :-)
> >
> >
> If you contact me via Notes, I can fill you in on the internal IBM
> requirements (Open Source Participation Guidelines).
> Also, take a tool at the Apache roles and the way the meritocracy works:
> No paperwork is needed for contributers.  There is an iCLA form that you
> can sign and return.  Even though it is only required for Committers,
> anyone who thinks they will be active in the project is encouraged to
> complete that paperwork.
> I am particularly interested in developer testing frameworks (still trying
> > to figure out why).
> > And langauge parsers/compilers.
> >
> > I am also a new Master's student (must have lost my mind somewhere) and
> > wondered if I could combine helping here and also using some of the
> > knowledge gained as part of my thesis.
> > Not sure what the rules are re IP etc.
> >
> >
> There are some interesting things that could have research interest as well
> as helping the project.  For example, consider testing document layout.  We
> can automate document creation, and specify the styles and content of a
> document, but verifying whether it appears correctly is a manual task.
> At the simplest level we might want to check to see whether today's build
> renders documents the same they were rendered in the last release.  So we
> want to detect regressions.
> At a more complex level we might want to verify correctness of the
> rendering, as defined by some specification.
> Having high quality rendering in this area is of critical importance to
> users, but today is a manual task.
> Now you could imagine just doing screen shots and doing pixel level
> comparisons.  That is easy to implement but will be overly-sensitive and
> give many false positives.  Slight UI changes, platform differences, etc.
> can introduce insignificant changes.  Some of augmented this approach by
> looking at the percentage difference in the before and after images.
> Another approach might be based on OCR technology to deconstruct the
> rendered document to determine facts such as size of margin, number of
> lines of text, alignment, size of headers, etc.  These facts could then be
> compared to a test specification.  This approach might be easier if the
> document is first rendered to a PDF file rather than using a screenshot.
> And another approach could be to rely on human judgment on sameness or
> correctness of the rendered pages, but devise some way to crowd-source
> these comparisons.  For example, we could have a web-service that would
> show the before and after images, a different one each time, and ask users
> to mark them as same/different/not sure.  Or give the specification for
> what it should look like and ask viewer to score them.
> An example of that technique can be seen at "Galaxy Zoo" where astronomers
> use crowd sourcing to classify galaxies:
> So there may be something here that could make a tremendous contribution to
> the project as well as be suitable as a thesis project.
> Hope to hear back from someone. Email directly, Don't bother clogging up
> > this mail list.
> >
> >
> I hope these answers may be of more general interest, so I'm sending them
> to ooo-dev as well.
> Regards,
> -Rob
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Ian
> >

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