Hi *,

2012/4/8 Jürgen Schmidt <jogischm...@googlemail.com>:
> On 4/8/12 12:27 PM, Josef Latt wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm missing the linux builds revision 1309668.
>> May be I had overseen something.
> yes you have, Ariel had to built on revision 1310206 because of issue
> https://issues.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=119168
> Check http://people.apache.org/~arielch/packages/r1310206/...
> Juergen

Please be patient, and wait until I announce it here (other wise you
may download an incomplete package).
It will take a while, it's 11 GB of packages!

(on holidays, but checking the download remotely :) )

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