On 13/04/2012 Keith Shafe wrote:
There is a guy on ebay selling Open Office 3.3 which I was led to believe
was a free download.

I don't know the EBay Terms and condition, but the license does not forbid this kind of sales.

I just found out that we even have a page about it:
but we might want to review it carefully. Maybe it is only reachable trough search engines, I didn't find it by browsing the site.

In an earlier occurrence of this issue, Cristian Lohmaier and me had both suggested that when someone asks for permission to use the logo on EBay we require that he explicitly states that OpenOffice can be downloaded for free from the http://www.openoffice.org website. Nobody commented, but with OpenOffice 3.4 approaching it would be good to agree on a way to handle these requests/situations.


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