Hi all,

Due to I will take three days vacation from tomorrow and couldn't access
internet, send report today.

*AOO 3.4 Overall QA Status:*
Based on the test plan:
https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/Release-QA-Plan, I can
say that the planned work are 100% done.
100% IP clearance testing have been done. These are the tests of areas most
impacted by removed/replaced modules due to IP clearance.
100% general testing have been done. These are general functional tests.

We are focus on RC build(may call it pre-release build) testing against

*AOO 3.4 QA Weekly Status Report as of 2012/3/26 (2012/4/9 - 2012/4/16):*
Test build: dev snapshot builds: Rev. r1303653, r1310206,r1325589
Test Platforms: Windows XP SP3, Windows 7 SP1, Mac Lionn, Mac 10.6.8, Suse
11, Ubuntu 10.04, Redhat 6.1
Test Cases Executed:
Test Build: r1303653, r1310206, r1325589
The testing we did this week are:
1. Installation testing, cover clean and upgrade. For English only base
package, specific langauge full package and multi-langauges full packages.

2. Language package install testing and the UI language switch testing.

3. Directory Extension testing

4. Some small regressiont testing

Rerun Interoperability automaiton testing against r1309668. Test on Mac

The scenario:
1. Open MS 2007 files in AOO3.4
2. Save it as MS 2003 format
3. Reopen it in AOO3.4

Two regression defects are found, one is Took too long time to open some
files. The other is froze when saving files.

When we tested specific language full package, one show stoper problem was

i119215: Save operation fail and prompt continuing to save endlessly on
r1309668-Chinese China (zh-CN) version. Which be fixed in r1325589.

This week, QA volunteers will focus on RC build verification as RC build
voting seems come soon. Here is the RC build test plan:


*Defects Summary:*
So far 432 defects raised against 3.4beta, AOO dev and 3.4m0. And 264
remaining defects opened. If we count the defects from 1th Aug. of last
year, it means the about date we call "AOO 3.4", the total defects number
is 342.
Among the 432 defects, 60 critical defects raised and 213 ones remain
opening now.

119162 <https://issues.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=119162>  cri  P2  Linu
 ooo-issues@incubator.apache...  CONF  ---  two copies of ooobasis packages
after upgrade from oo3.3 to 3.4 on Suse 11 SP1 and soffice will crash after
open a file <https://issues.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=119162>
119208<https://issues.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=119208>  maj
 P2  All  arie...@apache.org  REOP  ---  Cannot select a different icon set

Among the two show stopers, 119162 is proposed to be taken as known
limition and record in installation guide and release note. For 119208,
from accessibility view, it is show stopper.

Based on previous testing and my daily usage on AOO 3.4, so far we can say
The stability is ok.
The interoperability with MS Office seems fine.
The basic functions work fine.
The extension is one weak area

The upgrade installation on linux has some problems

Besides,the accessibility, globalizaiton may have some problems. The
general testing in community focus on installability, basic fucntions,
interoperability, extension etc. Also some old OOs term also exist on web
site, dialog etc. We need confirm when these string replacement will occurs.

The high risk for AOO 3.4 is during the migration from OO to AOO, many test
cases lost and no one large automation suite can be used for regression
testing now. So again I appreciate and thakns for everyone's contribution
to QA works.
If you have interesting in QA work and decide to contribute to it, please
go to AOO 3.4 main page:http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/QA.
Get dev build from:
Write your case by edit this page:
And place your result:
Or you may just do general testing based on your usage without test cases
or testing result and just raise defects in Bugzilla directly:
Any contribution is welcome and can contribute to this project's success!

Besides, I created entry for project reporting on below wiki:

Uner it, you can get detail AOO 3.4 QA weekly status reports from this
Best Regards,


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