Am 18.04.2012 19:38, schrieb Christoph Jopp:
> Am 18.04.2012 19:17, schrieb Kay Schenk:
>> On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 9:53 AM, Rob Weir <> wrote:
>>> On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 6:41 PM, Dennis E. Hamilton
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Michael, I am curious what has you be interested in the availability of
>>> an AOO 3.4 Release Candidate.
>>>>  1. What does it say to you when a project build set is designated a
>>> "Release Candidate"?
>>>>  2. What use would you make of such a designated build different from a
>>> developer snapshot and an actual release (i.e., AOO 3.4[.0])?
>>> I wonder if there might be some language misunderstanding when we say
>>> casually, "We'll soon be voting on a Release Candidate"?
>>> To some this could mean we will have a vote to label a particular
>>> build as a "Release Candidate".  That interpretation would explain
>>> some of the post we've been seeing.  But that is not how it really
>>> works.
>>> What actually happens is two things:
>>> 1) The Release Manager (Juergen) declares that a particular build is
>>> the Release Candidate.
>>> 2) The PMC then votes on whether or not to release the Release Candidate.
>>> When we say "vote on a Release Candidate", some readers might think
>>> that we're voting to make the Release Candidate.  But we're really
>>> voting to release the Release Candidate.  Like when I vote for
>>> candidate for US President, I'm not voting to make him a candidate.
>>> I'm voting to make him President.
>> A further point of clarification. Does "Release Candidate" in the ASF have
>> the same meaning as the traditional meaning. See, for example:
>> Given this definition, a Release Candidate means the "final" test before
>> the actual "release".
>> So, to me, and perhaps others, a "release candidate" is NOT the same as a
>> release. And, to me, a "release candidate" as opposed to a "release"
>> implies some predetermined time announced to the public at large, for FINAL
>> testing -- seems like 2 weeks is typical.
>> I am not sure at this point if this historical definition applies in the
>> ASF.
>> I think it would be valuable to head up a new thread on this -- "What it
>> means to vote on a release candidate at the ASF" -- or something similar so
>> folks have a better understanding of "release candidates"/"release" at the
>> ASF.
> I might be totally wrong, but I think the main difference is that this
> project as long as it is a podling does not release anything.
> The one who releases is the Incubator project and the podling (PPMC)
> presents (after voting) the Incubator project a "candidate to be
> released". Then the Incubator project votes whether it should be
> officially released or not.
> So all that can be checked for bugs and regressions are the unofficial
> snapshots.

Maybe, to be more clear: I think (and still might be wrong) if we would
like to have a public RC/Beta/whatsoever we had to reach out to the
Incubator Project (our Mentors?). But I think this wasn't done before by
a podling and means extra effort for the Incubator.

> Is this correct?
> Christoph
>>> -Rob
>>>>  - Dennis
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Michael Acevedo []
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 11:36
>>>> To: Apache OpenOffice
>>>> Subject: Has the AOO 3.4 RC been released?
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I was wondering if the AOO 3.4 Release Candidate is now available for
>>>> download? I see an entry in the Wiki that says so.
>>>> Many Thanks
>>>> --
>>>> Best,
>>>> Michael

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